6)Love is gone- Kolena

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Don't go tonight
Stay here one more time
Remind me what it's like, oh

"Where are you going?" Elena and Kol had been dating for Almost 3 years and now he was leaving and she hated it."Why are you going?" Her voice was cracking it was small she was trying to stop herself from breaking down. She didn't want him to leave her she didn't get why he had to leave.

"Elena i have to go." He didn't want to go he loved her so much but he was to scared that she was going to wake up one day and decide she wanted a family and that was something that he could not give her.

"Why?" She questioned she wanted to know what she did to make him leave why would he want to leave her. She didn't want him to go she didn't want to feel the pain that would come with him leaving she loved him to much to lose him.

"So you can move on, you want a life you want the cure, so i'm making it easier on you and I by doing this?" It was not easy for him to leaving her saying goodbye but this was something that he had to do. No one could talk him out of it as far as he was concerned it was the best idea.

"Please don't leave me." She begged she didn't want him to leave her she didn't care about no cure or family she just wanted him to stay and not go anywhere. She didn't want to move on to someone else she loved him and nothing was going to change that.

He couldn't risk n day she was going to wake up and realize that the best thing for her was the cure and someone else and that was something he couldn't give her. As much as it hurt to leave her he didn't have a choice."Elena I can't st-"

She grabbed his arm he needed to get him to hear her she needed to get him to stay with her. Her face was red from all the crying but she couldn't bare to lose him. She didn't want anything else she just wanted him to stay with her."I don't care about a stupid cure i don't care about a family i just want you to stay with me"

He looked at her his eyes starting to cloud she was not making this easy on him,"But i do and you've always wanted a family Elena."

"I don't want one if its not with you though." She didn't want a family there were other things that they could do but she couldn't lose him. She knew that she wouldn't survive it.

And let's fall in love one more time
I need you now by my side

"If its not with you then i don't want it." If she didn't get to have a family with him then she didn't want it."I don't want anyone else i love you Please don't do this to me please Kol don't leave me."

"Elena i don't want to hurt you but i don't want you to wake up to me gone either." He grabbed his bag and tried to leave she grabbed his arm again she couldn't lose him that would be the last straw after everything that the two of them have been through.

Begging wasn't working but she had to try she didn't want to lose him."No don't do this please don't do this to me i can't live without you i don't want to."

"Theirs no other choice Elena i have to go i want you to be happy and you'll be happier without me" She was not making this easy on him but he had to do it before the pain set in that he might actually lose her. There was a huge chance he could lose her in the long run.

"Please stay here with me."

"One more night but then i have to go i wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that i am holding you back from your dream."

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