~Tale as old as time~talentswap!saiouma

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slight kiibouma
- warnings -
Talks and innuendos of sex
Sort of obsessive behaviour
- Talentswap au -
- in game -



I've been following around this blonde bitch ever since we got here and I'm starting to get bored! I wonder if something exciting is gonna happen, I doubt it though since kayayayayay or whatever her name is has been blabbering about with even more boring people the entire time, I didn't realise she had stopped walking until I ran into her back, causing me to fall flat on my ass. "HEY! Little warning would be nice next time... fucking bitch!" She rolled her eyes at my outburst but otherwise ignored me before opening a door in front of her that I didn't realise was there, and followed her in. "Hey don't ignore me! I'm a supreme leader you must respect me!" ... and I walked into her back again.

"Uh..? What's going on here?"

A white haired boy whipped his head around to look us up and down for a second before turning back to whoever else was there, I only then started paying attention "little twink climbed his ass up top the lockers and won't come down!" The white haired boy yelled out, jeez how annoying "well yes, it was a safety precaution, you were making me uncomfortable and blocking the only exit so the most logical option was to get out of your reach."




He looks like an adorable little angel!!!

There was even light radiating from him.

He had soft, curly purple hair with shining eyes that matched, from what I could see he was wearing some skin tight black slacks with a white button up covered by a large over sized black sweater and pale brown trench coat as well as black combat boots and a dark brown hat on his head that looked like it came straight out of a mystery novel, he had slight chubby cheeks with plump pale lips and big eyes, his face straight and serious, his voice dull and monotone in pattern but soft, light, raspy, almost a whisper and kind of high pitched and... is that black nail polish?

"Awww!! Cmon I just wanna feel ya up and see what you're hiding under those big layers!!" Ugh spikey white haired boy again, disgusting "anyway who the fuck are you losers anyway!?" Huh? Is he talking to us? He must be, he's staring straight at us. "Ah! I'm keade akamatsu!," oh, so that's her name " I'm the ultimate astronaut! And you are?" "I'm kiibo idabashi! The one! The only! Ultimate inventor himself! Who will brin-" "yeah yeah! We get it, your obnoxious and egotistical, now shut up! I wanna know who the little angel up there is!!" I yelled to shut him up "huh? Are you talking about me..? Ah! Uh... well, I-I'm kokichi ouma. I'm the ultimate detective, it's a pleasure... to meet some of you." He paused to look at the wh- kiibo for a moment before looking back at us to continue.



Ouma kokichi.

Kokichi ouma.

Ahhhhh so cute!!!!

"Ah! The pleasures all mine kokichi-chan!!~"
"Hey! Who even are you anyway!?"
"Ugh shut up keyboo! I'm trying to talk to angel-chan!!"
"Um... he does raise an important point though. Who are you?"
"Oh? Right! I. Am the great shuichi saihara!! Ultimate supreme leader and your future ruler!! Unless... you decide to rule along side me as my future queen?~"
"Uh... as conventionally attractive as you are, I believe I will have to deny your offer."
"HA! See~ little twink knows he's way to good for you!! He probably wants someone like me! Who is able to satisfy him~~"
"Ugh, as GREAT as this conversation is... can someone help me down..?

"I CAN!"

Me and keyboo yelled out at the same time before rushing over to the locker angel-chan was stuck on top of, tripping the slut over on my way before holding my arms out to him. He scooted closer to the ledge before moving from a position on his knees to sitting down on top of the locker with his legs out in front of him, keyboy still whining on the floor, he dropped down off of the locker and into my arms where I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder before running out of the room and down the halls laughing, hearing yelling and footsteps from the other two who decided to run after us, only hearing a sigh from angel-chan, he didn't even struggle!! How interesting~

I pushed open two large double doors before stopping at the sight of twelve other people, huh weird, why are they all in here? Wait... ok I vaguely remember an announcement going off on my way here about meeting up in the gym. Eh whatever!!! Before any of them could talk the door slammed open, revealing two gross sweaty people who have been following me and my beloved.

"HEY!! Put the twink down you bastard! You can't keep him all to yourself!"
"Put ouma-kun down already and stop bothering him!"

"Ugh..... fine!" I yelled out, pouting, as I gently put angel-chan on his feet, "uh, if you don't mind, could you two introduce yourselves? I don't think any of us have seen you this whole time." Long blue haired mystery-chan spoke out, pointing at my beloved and the Whore. "I'm kokichi ouma, I'm the ultimate detective, it's a pleasure. This is kiibo idabashi, the ultimate inventor." My beloved drawled out in his soft, adorable monotone voice.


Me and most of our other classmates let out at the soft spoken detective, beloved looked a bit exasperated at that, like he was expecting it to happen but wished it didn't.

"How old are you anyway?"
"I'm 19."
"How are you the oldest out of all of us!?"
"I'm only 17!"
"But your so short and chibi like!"
"I thought you were 14 at most"
"Woah~ hey! Detectives are usually rich right? And you're the ultimate detective so you must be super mega ultra rich!! Maybe you could be my sugar daddy??~"

Everything went quiet and as I looked around I saw everyone staring at me. Weirdos.


Aww, boo. He didn't even blush!! He's gonna be a tough nut to crack, alright! It's decided! My new life goal is to fluster detective-chan.


I'm gonna leave that there but I might make a part two to this, we'll see~


Kokichi one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang