~| A whole new world |~ pt 1

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Narrator POV :

The cast woke up to the usual alarm, all of them slowly getting out of bed and ready for the day. One by one they all made there way to the kitchen where a certain maid was making breakfast for everyone, well... everyone except a specific short leader. Once everyone had made it to the kitchen another alarm went off before any of them could eat, annoying quite a few of them.

"Good morning my lovely lab rats! Please report to the gym ASAP for your first ever motive!"

Once in the gym a large screen came down from the roof and a bunch of chairs came out of seemingly nowhere, it looked like a movie theatre. There were a lot of mixed reactions but when they all finally calmed down the screen began to play.

"Welcome ultimates to your first motive! Recently there was a vote to determine the fav character of the season, the resulting favourite won by a land slide! So we decided to cause some drama by incorporating him into the motive! It is called 'Past or present', we have sent him into a different world entirely and you get to watch, the twist! Is that you have to play his life like a video game and if you make the incorrect decision he falls into despair!"

"Well who was chosen you ask?"

On screen

In another world a short boy with purple hair is seen waking up in a clean, boring bedroom. His hair is longer and put into an intricate updo

 His hair is longer and put into an intricate updo

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And his hair a lighter, more pastel colour. His face was a bit more androgynous and he seemed to have stayed the same height; when he woke up he was wearing a black tank top and matching shorts with a fluffy jacket over top.

His body seemed to move on its own accord, moving over to a wardrobe and picking out a school uniform that consisted of a pair of black slacks, a white button up with a black gakuran left unbuttoned on top

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His body seemed to move on its own accord, moving over to a wardrobe and picking out a school uniform that consisted of a pair of black slacks, a white button up with a black gakuran left unbuttoned on top. He then went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal and some toast before putting on some black dress shoes and walking to his new school.

When he reached the entrance of the school, akedemi it read, he stood at the gate for a moment to check his schedule when someone bumped into him from behind, causing him to fall straight onto the floor

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When he reached the entrance of the school, akedemi it read, he stood at the gate for a moment to check his schedule when someone bumped into him from behind, causing him to fall straight onto the floor. He heard nervous sputtering behind him before he was picked up from the floor and placed on his feet, when he turned around he was met with a redhead who had a small side ponytail - he was wearing the same outfit as kokichi but instead of the white button up he wore a pink, almost salmon coloured, shirt with white polka dots placed on the fabric - and his face was bright red.

"W-watch where you're going baka! Don't just stand in the way!"

"Ah sorry, I was checking my schedule."

"G-geez... whatever. I don't need your life story."

"I apologise."

The shorter moved to walk away but was stopped when the other decided to speak up again.

"A-and you're way too light! You should eat more, meet me at lunch and I'll give you some of mine. But not because I like you or anything!"

He didn't even know this boy, but he nodded his head yes anyway, if only to get away from the taller. Once the other let out an exaggerated "hmpth" he allowed himself to walk away, missing the desperate and yet longing face that stared at the back of his head as he entered the school.

'Rival #1 acquired'

Back in danganronpa

"So we're playing as kokichi?"
"Why does he look different?"
"So it's like an otome game?"

"To answer you annoying ass questions, yes, mr supreme leader was voted favourite cast member and that's what he looked like before he came here! We erased all his memories of all of you and the school so he'll act like he did before - only difference is that he has no free will to make his own decisions - that's you're job!"

The students sat silently for a moment, when they began 'playing' it took them awhile to figure out what to do and what choices to make as many arguments arose on what to do, in the end keade was the one in possession of the controller and everyone would take turns making decisions.

"What's the aim of the game here?" Amami asked monokuma calmly

"To win the game you must acquire all of the rivals and reach the main ending without... any incidents to the main character, kokichi, when you do he will be freed from the game and returned. It's kinda like a detective game in a way, you must find out the mystery in akademi and find out what happened to the missing students!"

Part 1 - ended
Part 2 - drafting

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