~| A whole new world |~ part 2

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Kokichi's pov:

After the incident in front of the school I decided to ignore it and continue on with my day, after changing my shoes in the lockers I headed of to the first class.

As I walked through the halls, getting closer and closer to the classroom, I could hear people whispering and giggling about a new teacher, maybe a sub? I don't know and I don't really care as long as they keep to our class schedule. Sure I'm not that bothered with school but it would be annoying if we missed certain topics.

Time skip

We were all waiting, stood (somewhat) patiently behind our desks for the teacher to arrive when a brunette man wearing tight maroon slacks and a flimsy black button up - undone to below his pecks.

I sighed in annoyance hearing the girls in the class swoon and the man telling us to take a seat.

During class mido-sensei (who had introduced himself earlier) acted quite... peculiar. It was as if he was acting this way on purpose, no. I'm sure that's what he's doing.


I flinched and let out a small gasp when I realised he was staring back at me. Wait, when was I staring at him?

He continued to stare at me as he continued his explanation, before he smirked at me.


What the fuck is he up to? I didn't do anything did I?

As I was working on the sheet he had handed out he came over to my desk. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I thought as I tried to roll my eyes discreetly.

"You know sweetheart, if you keep getting distracted you're never going to finish your work~"

I stared at him blankly for a moment before the blue boxes appeared in front of my face again. It happened this morning before school with the red head, each time it appeared I felt compelled to press one of the boxes unconsciously, almost like it wasn't me making that choice.

Luckily I found out that when they appear no one can see them nor can they see me interacting with them, so at least I won't look crazy...

Hand mido-sensei completed work sheet

Apologise to mido-sensei

Tell mido-sensei to fuck off

Back in danganronpa

"No keade tell the perv to fuck off!"

"You can't say that to teachers miu!"

Their classmates watched as they wrestled over the controller, some of them trying to break it up but ultimately backing off as to not get hit.

Miu finally snatched the device out of the blondes hand when she tried to suffocate the girl between her breasts in retaliation for the girl pinching her (what else did you expect from her?).

Kokichi's pov:

I glared at the brunette, disgusted by the way he's acting.

"Fuck off you pervert."

I mumbled as I payed my head down on my arms, looking out the window.

I thought for sure he didn't hear me but it turns out, once again, I was wrong.

"Oh~ now that's not very nice is it? To a teacher no less."

I was about to roll my eyes again when he suddenly grabbed my chin and pulled it up towards him to the point our noses were almost touching. The background seemed to fade out into pink with rose petals flying around us.

Another weird occurrence, the same thing happened with the background this morning when the boys picked me up - is it triggered by physical interaction or touch maybe? I don't know.

Two capture targets acquired
Nine targets left

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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