~ Who are you? ~ beta!kokichi

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Beta kokichi
Harem (ish)
No endgame atm
Kokichi is the ultimate unlucky student
Dice is not real
Danganronpa is a virtual reality game show
Characters choose their appearance and talent
Kokichi is the only one with an actual ultimate outside the game
Kokichi is the only person to change their appearance for the game due to bullying and not wanting to be recognised
None of them knew each other before the game
Kokichi grew up on the streets
He had a horrible brother and father
His mother died
His sister died in Danganronpa (I'll let you guess who)
He was just unlucky in every way
Very clumsy
Bruises and cuts easily
Severe social anxiety
Constantly in and out of hospital
He was titled with his ultimate when he tripped over a piece of scaffolding which ended up bringing that and part of the building down, covering him entirely in rubble and resulting in quite a few injuries - they had already been tailing the boy for a while and this was the final nail in the coffin.

That's all for now, enjoy!!~


Narrator POV :

The drv3 cast were sitting around the dining table waiting for kirumi to finish breakfast, none of them even offering to help, well nearly all of them. A certain fan favourite with curly purple hair was missing - though this fact went unnoticed or ignored as none of them had any type of relationship with the short boy. All was calm this morning and everyone was happy. Except...

Earlier that morning

Kokichi had, unknowingly, woke up earlier than everyone else as monokuma and the mastermind had made the morning alarm go off early in his room and at 5 a.m. he walked out his his room, locking it, before silently making his way to the kitchen, having no need to act as he usually did. Before he could even open the door to his destination a thick, black bag was thrown over his head - restricting his vision - as he struggled to get away from the perpetrator who was digging their nails into his skin to keep a solid grip on the struggling ultimate. After a while the boys captor let out a sigh as the other passes out due to exhaustion and a lack of oxygen; before they could be seen they quickly carried the boy, who was way lighter than they had expected, to the room behind the bookshelf so they could use the halls behind the walls to make their way to the masterminds room. They surveyed the screens to make sure no one had become curious before tying the boy tightly to a chair, strapping down his arms, legs and neck to make sure he couldn't escape; then for good measure duck taped his mouth.

Back to the present

An announcement went off as all the contestants - par kokichi - were happily enjoying a lovely (and undeserved ) meal. "Puhuhuhu I have a special surprise for you lot so get your fat asses to the gym ASAP!" They all sighed, some shoving some final bits of food into their mouths before they all made their way to the gym.

When the final person entered the gym the door immediately slammed closed and locked itself, causing some student to worry and yell, though they were ultimately ignored.

"I have brought all of you here for a beary special motive!! So be exited! Although he is the fan favourite some lucky watchers found and spread beta forms and so started the army of simps, kins and everything in between across the globe so we decided to meet their demands! So, without further adieu, I present your next motive!"

When the metallic bear had finally finished his monologue the curtains behind him opened up to reveal...

When the metallic bear had finally finished his monologue the curtains behind him opened up to reveal

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