Chapter 1- Running Away

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Amy's pov

Tonight has been the night of my awakening, as I remember Sonic's outburst at me. Calling me defenseless, since I couldn't handle Eggman and his toys on my own. I know I got over my feelings for him a few months ago, but the pain was still there and I was going to leave home to train and become stronger. My suitcases were already packed so I wrote a note and placed it on my door.

"By the time you read this, I've already gone somewhere important. There's no telling when I'll return, knowing I have some things to clear up. Don't try to call me either, my phone's broken. If you try to look for me, just accept the futility of that. Can't tell how long I'll be gone, but I'll be back one day."
- Amy

After I stepped outside, I called my friend to pick me up then turned off my phone so no one else could call me. I told him we'd talk more when I get in the car. His name is Deryk. We've known each other for a good while. He's a silver wolf with a scar on his right eye and a bang in his face that covers one eye. He was wearing white gloves along with black and purple cuffs with spikes around his wrists and ankles. His shoes were black with purple neon designs on them. The shade of purple on his cuffs and shoes stood out perfectly with his eyes.

Deryk - Want me to help you with those?

Amy - Sure, thanks.

Deryk gets out of the car, takes the suitcases, places them in the trunk and shuts it. They both get in the car.

Deryk's pov

I looked at the note on the door then at Amy, who was focused on the road, with a sad look on her face. Right there, I knew something was up. Why was she leaving this late with suitcases? Where was she going?

Deryk - Where to?

Amy - I want you to get me out of town... please. Know any hotels around here?

Deryk - Yeah, there's Hotel de Vantéa down this street. Why though?

Amy - Huh?

Deryk - You heard me, why are you leaving at this time of the night?

Amy - Oh um, well...

Deryk - It's alright Amy, you can tell me.

Amy sighs.

Amy - I'm leaving home to become stronger.

Deryk - How come? Someone picking on you?

Amy - No, I just haven't been feeling good about myself lately.

Deryk - Wanna talk about it?

Amy - You remember Sonic right?

Deryk - You mean that blue hedgehog who takes his ego with him wherever he goes?

Amy giggles.

Amy - Yeah, that's him. I was looking for him one evening, but was attacked by Eggman's robots. Just when I was about to be crushed, he jumped in and saved me before it happened. I was happy to see him, but he didn't feel the same. He was so mad and he started snapping at me. He said I was fearful and defenseless. He also said that I'm always the victim but never the hero, and to make it all worse, I had a crush on him, and knowing the one person you liked all those times, say those things to you, it really...

Amy tears up after her unfinished sentence.

Deryk - Left a mark.

Amy - Yeah.

Deryk's pov

I noticed that Amy had tears in her eyes after she answered me. She's like my own sister and I hate seeing her like this. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I wanted to punch that blue douche so bad. How could he say that shit!? I bet he didn't even check up on her after that. I never even liked that guy to be honest. I've seen what he's made of. He goes about being the big hero that everyone praises but decides to be a big asshole to the girl who liked him all those years. I don't know why Amy even liked him in the first place. She's caring, sweet and adorable. He doesn't see what he's missing out on. She deserves a lot better than that blue turd.

Deryk stopped the car. He reached over to Amy and hugged her. She cried softly, laying her head on his chest. He then held her face in his hands and wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

Deryk - Forget that blue idiot. You were too good for him anyway. We're here.

Amy's pov

I felt better knowing that I just opened up to Deryk about everything that happened. The pressure on my chest was now gone. I've bottled everything up for a long time. I didn't even choose to tell Rouge and the others whenever they suspected me. Instead, I turned my heart into a vault, which was where I had all my true feelings stored and locked away.

Deryk - Come on, I'll help you with your stuff.

Amy - *sniffs* Ok.

They got out of the car with the luggage and entered the hotel. Amy booked the room she wanted, then Deryk helped carry her luggage to her door.

Amy hugs him.

Amy - Thank you, Deryk...for everything.

She gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

Deryk - No prob lil sis. *smiles*

Amy smiled.

Without another word, Deryk left and Amy entered her room.

Amy's pov

I opened the door to see that the room was neat and cosy. Everything was still. I looked at the bed, not a single wrinkle in sight. I could just look at the walls and floor and tell there was no spec of dust to be found. I went ahead and unpacked my belongings then crashed on the bed. I laid on my back as I stared at the ceiling. I was thinking about my goals and how I'd achieve them. If I was going to get stronger, I'd have to give it my all, and never give up. I was gonna start tomorrow, but right now I needed some rest. I covered myself under the sheets and closed my eyes, saying one last sentence to myself before I passed out.

"I ran away... I finally did it".

All pics are in the profile ^

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