Chapter 4: Family Conflict

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BETA: "We have arrived at our destination... Again."

Voxle goes to the ship's armory. Grabbing a sniper rifle and the pair of gauntlets.

Voxle: "I think that's about everything"

Right when Voxle is about to step out. Someone was calling them.

BETA: "You have a call from, Yuni."

Voxle: "Answer it"

BETA answers the call and starts a video call. The caller, Yuni. A purple and pink protogen, They were a bit shorter than Voxle but that doesn't matter as their job is way safer than Voxle's.

Yuni [Call]: "Heya sibling"

Voxle: "How are things Yuni?"

Yuni [C]: "Good, and how's your job"

Voxle: "I'm quitting after this last one"

Yuni [C]: "Oh that's... Pretty good actually!"

Voxle: "What?"

Yuni [C]: "I was getting tired of worrying about you whenever you have a target to... kill"

Voxle: "Don't worry I'm fine. After all I'm already looking for another job. Way better than killing random people just because my clients told me to"

Yuni [C]: "Yeah Well, Good luck."

Voxle: "Thanks."

Yuni [C]: "Oh and before I go have you contacted older sibling?"

Voxle: "Xero? No I haven't. In fact they've been... Distant lately"

Yuni [C]: "I hope they're doing fine"

Voxle: "Well I gotta go now"

Yuni [C]: "Bye"

Call ended

Voxle: "Alright now where was I?"

Voxle steps out of the ship then BETA cloaks the ship so it stays undetected

Voxle: "You think they spotted us flying here?"

BETA: "Negative."

Voxle: "Good. Scan the area"

BETA: "Scanning... 63 synths detected along with 2 protogen. Including you"

Voxle: "Second one seems to be working with the synths, However it is. I still have to kill them"

Voxle finds a cliff to observe the base they were going to invade. It was big and it probably was the only building in the planet. There were about 20 guards guarding the outside

Voxle: "I guess I'll have to sneak in."

Voxle then finds a vent. The most original way to sneak in.

Voxle: "That should work."

Voxle gets into sniping position and aims at a guard


A synth guard falls dead on the floor. The other guards get closer to the dead body and turns to the place where the laser came from. 4 of them went there to inspect the place. Only to find nothing

Synth (1): "Eh. Probably just the wind"

Synth (2): "They were shot by a laser. How can it be the wind?"

Synth (4): "Hey look"

The 4th Synth aims at the pawprints on the soil.

Synth (3): "I'm calling base."

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