Chapter 14: Contained

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It was dark.

There was a long road illuminated by the tall streetlights. The road was a bit muddy thanks to the rain last time. Splashes of mud can be heard, it was caused by black vehicles and a truck driving through the long road in the dark.

Driver: "So... What are we gonna tell boss when we arrive with possible witnesses?"

???: "Well it won't matter as those witnesses can't do anything, I doubt that the police would even believe them."

Driver: "Yeah you got a point. What are we gonna do with the 'robot' thing we captured earlier?"

???: "Simple. Since its like a robot we could easily disassemble it and use the tech for advanced weapons."

While the two were talking, a pair of pure white lights can be seen in the truck's rear mirror. One of them notices and looks behind them only to see its not there. They pick up a walkie talkie and turned it on.

???: "Everyone stop moving."

All of the vehicles stop in the middle of the road, and then some furries stepping out of them heavily armed.

???: "Stay here I'm just gonna check on the robot."

They step out of the truck and walk to the back. They gesture the other furries to come closer and get ready to fire. They reach for the truck doors and open it, bringing out a flashlight to see what was inside.

???: "Still here..."

They kick the protogen hard to check if it was conscious but only to gasp in pain as they just kicked metal. The armed furries ready their guns and aim at the truck.

???: "Hold your fire... I just kicked something hard."

Some of them let out a light chuckle and return to their vehicles. They step out of the truck and close the doors.

Driver: "Everything okay back there?"

???: "Just a minor injury that's all."

They start moving again through the illuminated streets in the dark.

Back inside the truck the pair of white eyes start glowing again.

Null: "That was close. Of course even if they DID shoot me I would just come back for more."

Null lowers the brightness of their lights until it was completely off to avoid further attention thoughout the trip.

Null: "Although I'm curious about what these guys can do and what they will do to me... But I must stay on my main mission."

Since the trip is going to be long Null decides to lay back down on one of the truck's corners.

Null: "I don't necessarily need sleep but I'm gonna take a nap anyways, not like there's gonna be anything I could do right now."

-Null POV-

I get comfortable in truck and went to sleep.

-Timeskip for a few minutes-

I wake up, I started to regain my vision and found myself in space. I look around and saw Earth looking completely messed up.

Null: "What happened?"

I look at myself and saw some of my limbs are freely floating, detached from each other. It looked like my limbs were cut by a blade... Am I dreaming?

Null: "I could just repair myself in a few seconds..."

I found my right arm focus my energy on it, the arm starts to glow green and come closer. I let go and it seems to be fixed. I look around for my other detached body parts and notice the arm I just fixed is just hovering right above my torso.

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