Ethical And Unethical Porn

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Author's POV:

" Sweety! Enough of this shit! Talk to me now." Adi warned Nithya irritated for her behaviour. She is dragging this from the past 7 days.

" I think Uncle have cleared you everything. I don't wanna talk to you." Nithya looked non chalant and is enjoying his situation. But she is hurting herself thinking about her unknown situation.

" What shall I do so that you talk to me?" Adi asked hovering over her losing his control. She is getting under his nerves and still she is alive just because he loves her.

" Show me my reports Adithya. I wanna know what happened to me. Why are you contemplating to reveal it?" Nithya's voice almost cracked.

Adi lost his control and looked at her angrily. He harshly pushed the things on night stand breaking them into millions of pieces.

Nithya looked shaken and was taken back by his action. Her chest heaved in fear and cold sweat dripped from her neck wetting the pillow under her.

He attacked her neck and kissed her really harsh sucking the life out oh her. Nithya let out a shrill cry in pain. Adi left a huge red mark of her neck leaving sloppy wet kisses on her throat. Nithya started shaking in fear under him. Adi looked like a true monster to her eyes then.

He bit her left shoulder letting her cry more.  She wiggled her head asking him to leave her inspite of the pain she is feeling in her whole body.

" Feeling intense pain. Ain't you Sweetheart?" Adi asked angrily boring his deadly eyes into hers. Nithya trembled with his one gaze. She slowly nodded her head accepting the truth.

" I felt the same pain. Infact, 10 folds greater than yours. Could you even imagine that?" Adi gritted. His body tensed and shruddered just by thinking about that day. He looked at Nithya's tear stained face and thinned his lips. " I've never begged anyone for anything My Baby Sweet. Everything came to me just in a snap of my fingers and if not I made sure that I own it by hook or by crook. The moment I saw you, I wanted you, very intensely that my heart protested to have anyone other than you. I felt that I have everything that I never had to beg. But look at the irony!" He said in such a daze that Nithya cried. He chuckled dryly looking at her tearful eyes.

" These..... These are the same tears that I've shredded for you from the past 1 month. I begged everyone possible to bring you back to me." He said in a deadly tone that hiked Nithya's heartbeats. Adi's eyes looked dead to see past her eyes. She gulped audibly and Adi smirked at her. The dim lights are making him look like a true incarnation of the monster.

" I held you with these hands yelling at the doctors and nurses to save you. I went to the extent to kill them when they mouthed that you can't be saved. " He glared at his very hands fisting them in anger.

Nithya's breaths turned heavy looking at those raw emotions in his eyes. She felt his pain.

" You wanna know what your condition was, isn't it?" He asked her and gritting and inclined more onto her. A sudden cry left her mouth when she saw his honey brown eyes a bit darker from the forthcoming.

He pressed his dry lips and sucked hers harshly making her moan in pain. Nithya looked like an immobile unable to do anything but shred tears at his cruel love which bloomed from his intense pain.

Her lower lip got cut bleeding lightly. Adi sucked the metallic liquid and closed his eyes calming himself a bit. He pushed his tongue inside hers and dug every path that came his way. Nithya arched which resulted in more pain.

" Plewww.....aaaase....." Nithya cried in between the kiss. Adi moved back and stared at her swollen eyes coldly.

She is crying hysterically in both physical and mental pain. Adi's eyes looked cold and emotionless. He looked satisfied with his work on her shoulder, neck, throat and lips. Nithya hicced up looking at him. She looked disheveled and broken.

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