Dancing Desires

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Adi's POV:

I woke up to see my little sweet sleeping peacefully on her stomach.

She looked tired and the tear marks are still over her face which kinda pierced my heart.

Her cries last night portrayed the agony she went for the few minutes. I still feel guilty even though she embraced me with so much love.

Her smooth back is glistering as the rays of sun pierced her skin. Her even breaths are letting me rest in peace for few seconds.

I kissed her scapella, as she likes to call her shoulder bone.

Her skin is burning.

I pushed her on her back and she laid there lifeless. Panick rose over me. I patted her hot cheeks and she didn't even respond.

" Sweetheart? Please wake up baby." I begged shaking her lightly. Her breaths are normal but she is neither opening her eyes nor her mouth. She is not even moving her finger.

" Nithya...." I cried patting her cheeks harshly.

Is this because of the last night? Did I force her?

" Please just open your eyes and look at me Sweetheart. Slap me if I've done something. Just open your eyes." I pleaded and there is no movement in her.

I rushed to the washroom and brought the first aid kit. I hurriedly pulled out the thermometer and put it in her mouth.

Every second I waited literally stopped my heart. I pulled out the thermometer with the shivering hands and it fucking showed 105°F.

How the fuck can I leave her unattended all the night?

And that's when I remembered Dr. Ahmed. I quickly called him from Nithya's mobile and he picked it up after few rings.

" How are you Dr. Mehra?" He asked in his usual voice.

" Dr. It's Adithya. Her husband." I informed him in a trembling voice.

" Is my child in any trouble Adithya?" He asked and I can feel that his demor changed.

" Sir, she has 105 temperature." I said.

" Was she alright last night? Was she sick?" He bombarded me with the questions.

" She was fit and fine yesterday sir. We even played at the beach." I said irritatedly.

" Is it? Then did she experience any kind of pain or may be have seen something that scared her a lot?" He asked tensed and then it hit me.

It pained her when we made love last night.

" Sir, does the women get fever if they are intimate with their partner?" I asked him directly. I can't play this hide and seek game.

" Did you consummate your marriage? " He asked blankly and I hummed. I literally can hear my heart beats.

" Yes. There are the chances of getting the fever if they are sensitive and feel more pain. It might be that." He said.

" What should I do now?" I asked him hesitantly.

" 105 is really high. You can't reduce it with some ice packs or tablets Adithya." He said tensed.

" She is unconscious doctor." I whispered and he hummed as if he know everything.

" Fill the bath tub with cold water. If possible add the ice in them and put her in it. Once her temperature cools down, feed her some food and give her some ORS. Take care of her." He said and ended the call. But before he cut, I heard him say, my child will always be in trouble when she is with you.

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