Getting to know each other

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Ok I don't know what to do for a title and I'm going to be up for soooo long now 

well enjoy 

POV hunnie 

"oh did tommy fall asleep in the car or are you his boyfriend?" I asked curiously I saw that the smaller one was laughing his ass off and the taller one just blushing really hard so I took it has they weren't dating and tommy just fell asleep in the car and wouldn't get up. I then let them in so we can talk about some stuff about each other I found out what their names was it ranboo and tubbo I thought ranboo was a interesting to me but I just brushed it off  I told them that I was abandoned here in England when I was 13 but they left me a apartment and some money  but at the age of 14 I had to get a job, luckily a café had offered me a job. now I was a 16 truing 17 in a couple of months after talking for a bit tommy had woken up and he realized that he was sleeping in ranboo's lap tommy was blushing mad he then fell out of ranboo's lap while me and tubbo was laughing our asses off when we were finished laughing ranboo had already help tommy up : h-hey tommy you ok" I said giggling a bit tommy said that he was ok and sat next to ranboo.

POV Tommy 

I woke up and then realized that I was in ranboo's lap I was shocked and then started to blush so much and I couldn't stop blushing until I fell out of ranboo's lap hunnie and tubbo starting laughing and ranboo chuckled a bit and helped me up I was still blushing until hunnie had I asked me if I was ok I said that I was ok then sat next to ranboo trying to stop thinking what had happened but I realized that ranboo was staring at me I was shaking him to snap out of his mind.

POV Ranboo

I was staring at tommy for too long that he started to noticed he started shaking me until snapped out of my mind I was blushing a bit but they couldn't see that because of my mask. hunnie asked us if we wanted to play a game of truth and dare tommy of course joined and so did tubbo I hesitantly said yes and I saw hunnie's face do a smug face to me and I know that hunnie was thinking of doing something bad.

POV hunnie 

After a couple of dares and truths it was my turn I asked tommy truth or dare he said that he wasn't a pussy and choose dare I had a soft smirking smile on my face that ranboo noticed he knew it wasn't going to be something good and he was kind of right I guess I thought for a while then the perfect Idea came to my mind "tommy I dare you to... sit in ranboo's lap again for the rest of the game if your ok with it" I said with a smirking face I saw tommys face go red I also saw ranboo face go really red more reader than tommy. tommy got up and went to ranboo and sat in his lap saying "I'm not a pussy like you" I gasped " aww thats rude tommy and I'm not a pussy" I said in a sad and kind of anger tone we continued the game for a bit and until it started to get late we deiced to eat first then go to bed tommy, tubbo, asked me where they'll sleep I told them that " sorry to say this a bit late but one of you guys have to sleep with someone because I only have three bed rooms right now" I said shyly. I heard tubbo shout that he was going to sleep alone so that left ranboo and tommy to sleep together.

POV ranboo

Me, tubbo and tommy where we were going to sleep I was surprised when she said there was only three bedrooms one was taken by her and then the other one was taken by tubbo I was standing there trying to stop blushing and I needed to get control of myself but I couldn't I was going to sleep with my crush for now on we all walked up stairs and tubbo got his room and me and tommy got our room I saw tommy lay down in the bed in his clothes but he didn't want to get changed into his Pj's but I was able to get him changed when he came out I was in shock and blushing a bit of what tommy was wearing.

POV Tommy 

After we ate we all asked hunnie where we were all going to sleep she said nervously is that there was only three bedrooms one was taken by her then tubbo shouted that he'll sleep alone so that left me and ranboo we had to sleep next to each other hunnie was leading us up stairs and pointed to the room tubbo was going to sleep in she then pointed to my and ranboo's room wen she closed the door behind I flopped onto the bed the room smelled great I was going to sleep in my clothes but ranboo forced me to get into my Pj's and then I realised that I might have gotten the wrong bag.

// haha I shall end it here I will try and post tomorrow see I did something and I bet you want to see what tommy is wearing welp I guess you got to wait now bye//

words: 965 

Roommates// tomboo //Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя