Part 13

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"Are you pregnant!?" ranboo yelled, luckily for tommy it was just him, ranboo and hunnie in the house right now.

Tommy just stood there completely silent and ranboo was waiting for him to answer, "...Umm, no?" tommy says unsure, ranboo raises an eyebrow "then why was there a kick on you stomach?" ranboo asks crossing his arms .

Tommy knew he fucked up so he did what hunnie told him to do if anyone ever found out before the can confirm he was  actually pregnant.

"BEEE! C-CODE..." tommy pauses for a moment to remember "CODE 2!" tommy yelled again making ranboo really confused "w-what?" he questions before a door slams opened, he and tommy both look to the door that was slammed opened, hunnie was at the door holding something, she ran out of his office and into the kitchen.

"What the fuck is going on!?" ranboo asks loudly "don't worry ranboo you won't remember anything about this and the fact that you know that tommy may be pregnant" hunnie answers calmly walking toward ranboo he started to back away until hunnie grabbed him by the wrist's and injected a needle into his neck carefully as soon as he injected ranboo with the stuff and let the tall man go, ranboo immediately fell to the ground. "W-what the fuck did you do?" tommy asks worried as he trys and help ranboo up.

"Don't this is supposed to happen he'll fall asleep and when he wakes up he won't remember anything about this and the 'baby'" hunnie answers tommy's question "ok then I trust you" tommy says unsure about what he just said, hunnie gave tommy a warm smile "hey it's ok, it's not like he'll turn into a hybrid because of this" hunnie says patting tommy's head and that was the last things ranboo saw and heard before he fainted.


Ranboo woke up and he was in his and tommy's bed, he had a killer headache and his back hurt a lot and there were these weird scents in the air one smelled like strawberries the other one smelled like chocolate mint and the last one smelled like honey mixed with vanilla? It was weird but ranboo didn't really care that much it was a lovely smell to be honest.

Ranboo got up put of the bed he tried to recall what happened before he faint but there was nothing, well he'll ask tommy later. 

When he stood up he fell to the fall luckily he got himself on his hands but when he saw the them...



And to be continued...

Guys I really want to thank you for the 10.5k  reads! like that is fucking insane I never thought I'll come this far but here I am now thank you so much and I love to read your guys funny comments even if you guys tell me this is a really cringe fic but I do not care

Well I hope you guys all have a wonderful day or night either one and make sure you get some sleep and food and stay hydrated unlike me and at least get some good grades if some of you guys are in school.


words: 525

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