Part 10

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A/N: It's been awhile, and I realised that I never said how old hunnie, ranboo, tubbo and tommy are 

Age: Ranboo 24, Tommy 23, Tubbo 24, Hunnie 19

TW : swearing and mentions of rape 


"Tommy for the last time your not fucking pregnant!" hunnie yelled, tommy had been thinking the needles had made him pregnant "AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT" tommy yelled back at hunnie "BECAUSE IT'S JUST A FUCKING PHASE THAT YOU GO THROUGH!" hunnie was starting to get really pissed off if tommy kept on denying that he wasn't pregnant "you promise it's just a phase" tommy says finally accepting that he wasn't pregnant "yes I promise it's just a phase and it will pass, plus I am a hybrid too" hunnie says sitting next to tommy on the ground in the kitchen looking at tommy with a soft smile. 

after a few minutes of just sitting on the ground,  tommy and hunnie heard a knock, "toms human form now" hunnie says with a stern voice, she just wanted to keep tommy safe that's all maybe she was being a little over protective though, hunnie got up from the ground and walks over to the door taking a deep breath before opening the door "hello, umm... can I help you with something?" hunnie says relived that it wasn't that weird person that comes to the house because they believed something evil lives there in the house with them.

"Well, hello sister, been awhile hasn't it" hunnie's eyes widen "no, no it can't be" hunnie couldn't believe it . 


It was her brother that she hasn't seen since he was taken away from they're family when hunnie was 8, well he was kidnapped like her but wasn't used as an experiment, he was used as a fucking toy, only to bring pleasure to all the scientist that experimented on hunnie, he only got to see hunnie if he gave pleasure to the guards.


"the fuck are you doing here" hunnie says vemon dripping from her voice of tone "well I came to see my sister and her new roommates" he said. Hunnie's brother could be a dick sometimes but he was also a trans male his deadname was Indie and he had changed it to Isaiah, if your wondering if he got pregnant the answer is no they put him on birth control and used condoms. 

Tommy was in the living room which was close to the front door but you couldn't really hear what people would be saying so all that tommy heard coming from the front door was mumbling and 'the fuck are you doing here' tommy got up from the couch and walked over to the door to see who hunnie was talking to. (before you guys ask Isaiah is not a real person just someone I made up) Once he got close to the front door, he could've swear he was looking in a mirror, 'Hunnie never said she/he had a sibling, she/he told us she/he will tell us everything that we needed to know about she/he' tommy thought well another part of his body thinks that couldn't be her/his sibling and that he should never (shit I forgot what people say when this happens.... it took me few minutes to remember but I remember now... nope nevermind that was the wrong one).

"oh, is that one of your roommates sis" Isaiah says pushing hunnie put of the way so he could see the boy  "aww, he's so small and adorable" Isaiah seemed like a nice person tommy thought and then it hit him "WAIT YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS!?" Tommy shouted making Isaiah and hunnie cover they're ears "opps, sorry" tommy apologized quickly "hey it's ok" Isaiah said puttinh his hand on tommy shoulder, tommy could smell some faded scents on Isaiah the scents kinda smelled like the ones on hunnie but tommy just ignored it when Isaiah started speaking again "hunnie how come you never told your roommates about me... wait where are your other roommates?" "well first is because you never bothered visiting me for 8 years and my other roommates are out shopping for groceries, and what are you doing here?" hunnie asks walking over to her brother and tommy taking his hand off of tommy's shoulder.

Tommy felt so awkward right now and so confused that was until they twins started fighting, tommy tried breaking the fight up but the twins would just tell him to wait in the living room like if anything happened to him the whole world would just be shattered.

And after an hour tommy heard hunnie say "AND WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU WHILE THEY EXPIRMENTED ON ME!" Hunnie yells blinded in rage "OH, YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO ME WELL I TELL YOU WHAT THEY DID TO ME, THEY RAPED ME, THE PEOPLE THAT EXPIRMENTED ON YOU AND THE FUCKING GUARDS TO, I WAS JUST THEY'RE FUCKING FUCK TOY, I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO EVEN GET BIRTH CONTROL!" Isaiah shouted spilling to much information, he saw the hurt look in his sister's eyes he didn't even bother trying to stop the tears that flooded his face, hunnie ran up to Isaiah pulling him into a big hug and was quietly apologizing, and tommy heard all of that so he also went up to Isaiah and hugged him. And Isaiah was now just quietly sobbing into hunnie's shoulder.


Isaiah had calmed down and so had hunnie, and know he was looking at tommy weirdly, tommy was starting to fell the urge to go to his nest and away from Isaiah for awhile that was until Isaiah put his hand on tommy's stomach and said "kit" he said tommy was very confused now and so was hunnie "what do you mean?" hunnie asks looking slightly worried "he seem pregnant" Isaiah says out of nowhere, tommy eyes widen and so does hunnie's "what do you mean he seems pregnant!?" hunnie asks a bit to loud " well I means is that he might be pregnant" Isaiah says if this is causally normal "see hunnie I told you so" "or it could just be a phase who knows" Isaiah then says with a blank face taking his hand off tommy's stomach for tommy to replace it with his own hand.

(I was just writing in peace until I looked at the fucking time on my laptop it said 4:52am, I was like what the fuck that can't be the right time my dad would've come down stairs at this time by now) 

"I'm not pregnant, right?" tommy says to himself, he was just laying in his nest thinking what it would be like if he did have a kits (just for the people that don't know, kits means baby raccoon) tommy thinks it would be amazing to be a mother to some kits, 'poof' tommy got to excited so he's animals traits came out, he was lucky to have the windows covered at all times because someone could see tommy through the window and see that he has raccoon ears and a bloody tail. 


let's just say when ranboo and tubbo got back to the house they only saw Isaiah in the living room so they thought he was an intruder, he kept on telling them that he was hunnie's sister but they didn't believe him though that was until hunnie came back downstairs remembering that she/he left her brother down in the living room and ranboo and tubbo had just got home....


To Be Continued 

Words 1248 

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