Part 11

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It has been two days since Isaiah found hunnie and things have been doing alright I guess. Tommy getting the hang of changing into hybrid form and human form and he found out that he can turn into an actual raccoon, he found that out while having a shower. 

Everything has been going normal, tubbo, tommy and ranboo started streaming daily and I joined a few of they're streams and so has Isaiah well he kinda just walks into the room not giving a fuck about what was going. 

But then Isaiah realised that tubbo has been looking really pale and sick, he checks up on tubbo time to time, but tubbo always say he's fine and he got bit of a cold, that was until he started coughing up blood, the first to notice was hunnie, when she was washing tubbo's sheets because he said that he didn't feel good at all hunnie decided to wash his sheets since he can't, but when hunnie saw blood stains on his pillows she knew tubbo wasn't alright and that whatever sickness he has it wasn't going away anytime soon.

Hunnie told ranboo, tommy and Isaiah about what she saw, and they all quickly rushed tubbo to the hospital.

And when doctors did test on tubbo (I don't know what doctors do) they finally got a result, the results shocked everyone, it was a sickness that no one has ever seen, it starts off from having a little cold but then it turn into a really big fever and after a while the person that has the sickness will start coughing a lot then soon enough all the coughing will turn into really bad coughs that it was enough to make you start coughing up blood, and since no one has ever seen this type of sickness, tubbo might not make it.

Tommy and ranboo kept on giving tubbo the medicine that the doctors gave them, but hunnie and Isaiah knew it wasn't working at all.

So that's when they came up with an idea that is an a suicidal mission but hunnie and Isaiah knew it would be worth it if they can save tubbo. "Ok hunnie, lets test you teleportation" Isaiah says while getting hunnie ready for a big teleportation and if your wondering where she's going, she's going back to they're old home where hunnie and Isaiah use to live with they're parent "are you ready" "yep" hunnie says full of nervousness "ok when I count to three that's when you teleport ok" hunnie nods her head getting ready to teleport "ok, one, tw-" Isaiah was stopped by hunnie teleporting "really? I didn't even get to two" isaiah says out of frustration pinching the top of the bridge of his nose.

Hunnie opens her eyes to see that she was infront of a house and it was night time and she was out in the open, so she quickly change back into her human form. Looking around the very familiar place, then it clicks in her head she was back in her home town and in front of her was her house.

Hunnie walks over to the house and looks through the windows, seeing two people on a couch watching a movie, hunnie then realise it was her parents, she went to go knock on the door until she heard some giggling from the inside she looks into the other windows looking for where the giggling came from, then when she reached her old bedroom window she saw two kids, one boy and one girl one is about 12 and the other is like 15. Hunnie couldn't believe it, her parents replaced them, hunnie felt tears burring her skin even when she was in her human form water can still hurt her.

Then one of the kids looked at the window seeing hunnie and quickly alerting her brother, then they shouted out to they're parents, but hunnie was in to much shock to even move or react. Until hunnie moved out of the way of the window when the parents were about to enter the room. Hunnie walks over to the front door knocking really loud, she waited until the door open "do you need something?" the man said holding his phone next to his ear "hello, father" hunnie says.

"W-what" the dad say confused until his eyes widen "hunnie?" he says taking a closer look at his daughter that he had abandoned years ago "yes dad" the little girl said walking to the front door, and seeing the 6'5 woman at the front door the one she saw in the window "wow, you called my little sister after me" hunnie mocks while the girls eyes widen "l-little sister?" the mumbled to her self  "dad what is she talking about!" the girl yelled "hunnie, what... how are you here?" her dad says looking shock "oh, that's what you say when your little girl comes back after you and mum abandoned me 10 years ago!" hunnie shouted, tears flooding her face burring her but it wasn't like she cared about that right now.

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