Chapter One - Intro

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{ps this Was written months ago im hardcore cringing right now} These main characters have a lot of intelligence,Musical Talent and Hair Dye. Let's meet the mains. First there is Alexzander Wickham. But we're gonna call him Zander and his Step sister Hailey Austin. They, Like the rest of the cast are 17. If your reading this shitty fanfic then you probably know what they look like. and may or may not know how cringey it is when people go into detailed description on characters.Hailey can do almost anything when it comes to music whilst Zander can only play the keyboard. They have a music club which includes their friends Milly,Luke and Sean...And a simp,Jake. Jake joined their club back when they were Junior's in high school. He still has his old more popular friend group which hasn't quite been the same since he joined the music club.Jakes also been keeping a few secrets from both of his friend groups...big ones...One night at around 12:30 AM Zander's mom walked into his room. Zander of course thought there was an emergency. And he was kind of right. He walked downstairs. Drowsy because he just got woken up at 12:30 AM on a Monday.Everyone was sitting on the couch. Zander sat next to Hailey and whispered in her ear "what's going on?" He asked "I don't know Bethany told me she heard something school related,she was eavesdropping instead of sleeping" Hailey whispered back. "why would they wake us up at midnight on a Monday for SCHOOL?Are they bat shit crazy?" This was unusual Zander does not curse at all. Hailey just figured he was pissed off because he had just been woken up at 12:30 on a school night,understandable. "Okay so your probably wondering why we woke you up at 12:30 on a school night" Zander and Hailey had unamused looks on their faces. "So we got a call from the school board for something...strange an hour was a school explaining someone had accidentally enrolled you and others into their school and there was no way to change the records" Zander's mom explained "So?We have to attend a new school. we can just do band practice here at home, it'll be nice to have a break from Drew and his gang for once" Zander said in a decently annoyed tone "But there's a catch" Zander's mom explained "it's a sleep away school. It's called K-12, apparently your ride to go there is coming at 3:30 PM after school that's why we woke you up to tell you instead of telling you in the morning" she explained "I'm going back upstairs" Zander said whilst getting up off of the couch. Everyone left the living room besides Hailey who was texting Sean the entire time. His parents had told him the same thing. As she was getting up she noticed Zander left his phone behind. Hailey grabbed it and went back upstairs to give it back to Zander "I have your phone" Hailey said while knocking on his door. Zander opened the door took the phone and scrolled through this messages "guess I was wrong about being away from Drew and them. Luke just texted me and told me that Jake told him they were going to that school too" Zander was of course not happy about this. "Sean told me he was going too,I guess this means we're leaving Milly behind" Hailey said in a disappointed tone of voice. All of the sudden Zander's phone started ringing. It was Milly she sounded pretty disappointed and down "Hey parents just told me something that...isn't quiet a good thing to hear for anyone so uh...basically-" Zander cut her off "If this is about k-12 everyone else is going too" he said in his usual annoyed tone of voice.Milly started to talk again. "hold up Jake just texted me...he said that most people we know regardless if their nice or not are transferring there too. Excluding Henry and Stacy...Damn I can't believe I feel bad for that lettuce brain now" Milly finished "Then again maybe without his friends and us there he won't get beaten into a bloody pulp as often" Hailey chimed in,everyone laughed at her remark especially Milly "Hey this may be an odd question to ask you guys but are you up to" Milly stopped talking for a second and whispered "am I on speaker?" Zander turned the phone off of speaker. "Not anymore" he said "would you guys be up to sneak out?" Milly asked "Uhhh...Who's all coming?" Zander asked "Jake,Sean,Luke and me of course" Milly paused for a second "Oh and I'm coming to too I guess" Hailey said while looking at her phone.Milly had texted her explaining. "I GUESS I'll go" Zander said knowing he didn't have a choice. They both waited for Milly by their underground basement window that was positioned almost right on the roof. But Milly wasn't alone there was somebody else with her. Zander opened the window and asked "who's that Milly?" The other girl whispered something into Milly's ear. Milly turned to Zander and Hailey. "She doesn't wanna say who she is but we know her. She said that she's just been crying after finding out about moving schools. she's afraid her best friend won't be there" she explained "oh okay,How are we gonna get out?" Zander asked.The girl looked at Zander and Hailey awkwardly then just decided to do the most practical thing, Pick them up. So she did "Hey what are you-" Zander whispered "oh" he exclaimed quietly after she put him down. She then did the same with Hailey. "Uhh guys...You left your backpacks in there" Milly said just as they were about to leave. The girl looked at Milly and whispered something in her ear "Sure that would be more practical than using me as an extension to grab them" Milly said to her. The girl stepped over and put her hand out as Zander and Hailey watched in confusion. The backpacks levitated toward them steadily. Zander and Hailey caught their backpacks,still in shock of what just happened. "How did she do that?" Hailey asked Milly expecting for the girl to whisper the answer into Milly's ear so she could tell her and Zander. Instead the girl just shrugged and they walked over to their meeting place. On the way there they sat down to rest their legs. The girl whispered something in Milly's ear again. "She says she will reveal who she is if you swear not to ditch us and won't ask any questions regardless of who she is" Milly explained "I promise" Zander and Hailey said at the same time. The girl took off her hood and turned around. "Zoey!?" Zander and Hailey said in shock. "I expected you to be shocked, especially since I'm with Milly right now and not literally anybody else" Zoey giggled a bit at her own remark "also...I'm sorry for well...everything, it's okay if you don't accept my apology" Zoey said in a genuine voice "I personally don't forgive you yet but maybe I will later on" Hailey said in a genuine tone of voice "You never really did anything to me soooo...I guess I forgive you?" Zander replied. "Thanks..." Zoey smiled and put her hood back on.They got up and kept on walking until they got to the meet up place which was a little Café/Gas Station with tables out front. Everyone sat at a table.Zoey took her hood off, Everyone had been informed of who she was beforehand accept for Jake "Wait ZOEY!?" Jake said in utter confusion and shock "Hey Jake" she sat down with everyone else. "So everyone is coming but Henry and Sta-" Zoey was cut off by the noise of a phone ringing. It was Stacy "Uhhh hi Stacy?" Zoey said in confusion. "So uh...Just thought I would tell you that apparently I got confused with Lia on the records and am going to K-12 too, Lia and Henry are gonna be stuck together now I guess" Stacy explained "Also where are you?It sounds like your outside" Stacy asked "oh uh-" Zoey began to say.all of the sudden the noise of somebody bonking their head was heard "well that hurt" Jake said, he had dropped something,went to get it and had bonked his head. Zander audibly lost.his.fucking.shit "IS THAT JAKE AND ZANDER!?" Stacy said in shock "Is there...something...uh...there...with you and Jake?" Stacy asked "H-hold on lemme mute for a sec" Zoey muted her phone "What do we say?" Jake asked "I have an idea" Luke said, finally talking"We say that Jake invited Zoey,Henry and Lia to hang out but he forgot to send the texts to Henry and Lia so he texted me,Jake and Zander to come as well expecting Zoey to not show up!" Luke explained "but why would I still BE here in that case?" Zoey and Zander asked "uhhhhhh" Sean said also finally talking "Maybe uhh...Hold on...What do you think about Stacy,Lia,Henry,Drew Liam and everyone Zoey?" Sean asked "Well Stacy gossips too much and tried to spread a rumour that I personally think is hilarious, it was about Milly, it was so obviously fake. She said that Milly secretly liked Henry" Zoey explained "PFFFFT" Milly spit out her drink "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ME AND HENRY!?" She started uncontrollably wheezing. Zoey and the others laughed as well. After they all calmed down Zoey continued on with her sentence "anyways I don't really like Stacy she's even meaner than I am, and Lia and Henry are okay I guess they haven't really done anything good or bad completely on their own, Liams just gross, Drew...well I kinda cheated on him but...I still hate him. His family is so elitist and so is he it's annoying and Jake you were asshole too but you apologized" Zoey finished her sentence. "Okay so you'd be okay with cutting them off then?" Sean asked "Not Henry and Lia but the others yeah I guess,their not the best people...but I also wasn't either" Zoey replied "Try just telling Stacy your done with everyone but Henry and Lia and hang up" Sean suggested "I'll do it!" Zoey said with determination. She unmuted herself "Hey Stacy?" She asked "Yeah?" She answered "So basically...I'm done with this whole popular friend group thing,Tell everybody that for me. I still wanna be friends with Henry and Lia though" Zoey explained, Stacy paused. Jake was secretly recording everything on his phone. he had started recording right before Zoey unmuted. "Fine then, I never liked you,Henry,Henry Jake or Lia anyways!" Stacy replied. She hung up the call and blocked Zoey. "I videotaped the whole thing I don't trust her not to lie to Lia and Henry" Jake said before anybody else could talk "I'm sending the video to Henry and Lia right now so they know" "I really should have thought of that" Zoey replied "Yep that was necessary Stacy just told the group chat that you wanted Henry and Lia dead, don't worry they saw the video and swore to secrecy" Jake explained "oh and they left the group chat too, oh and Drew kicked me" Jake continued "well that was fast" Milly commented "Yep, was" Hailey replied. Zander jumped "How long have you been there!?You scared me Jesus lord!" Zander exclaimed "we literally walked here together" Hailey replied "oh righttttt" Zander recalled. Jake looked at Zoey all of the sudden "hey did you tell Drew about uhhh...the..." "Sugar daddy?" Zoey finished for him "he possibly has something to do with the whole k-12 thing so I dumped him" She explained "He does!?" Jake asked "Yeah,He's related to the current headmaster there, from what I know he's a huge asshole he really idolized that guy, also for the record he's 24, it's illegal regardless but technically not a sugar daddy" she replied. "Why are you all ignoring the fact that we're in potential danger if that headmaster is petty?" Zander questioned "Yeah...we most likely are...that schools hell" Zoey replied. "I think we can do it!" Luke said with a surprising amount of determination for the current situation. Zander looked Luke dead in the eyes, "Listen Luke,I love and all but..." Zander said in a calm voice "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING RIGHT MIND WE COULD DIE!?" Luke was shocked by how loud Zander got. "I am so sorry for raising my voice but are you out of your mind? We could die in that school?" Zander said calmly this time. "I was gonna say if we figure out how to stick together and get out we could come out alive" Luke replied. "We need a talking stick" Hailey mumbled.A stick was put on the table by some unknown person behind Hailey "right here!" Everyone turned around expecting to see a serial killer of someone with any fighting skill who could deal any damage to them.They were pretty far off, it was Henry. Lia was standing next to him "Jesus lord don't do that again" Zoey said still a bit startled from moments before "Sorry.It wasn't my idea Henry found a stick on the ground and used it to make our presence known" Lia said looking at Henry with an unamused look on her face. They both sat down and got caught up on the situation. All of the sudden giggling was heard from afar. It was Bethany, she saw them leave and ratted them out "there they-" She began to say before she noticed them gone "odd...I could have sworn I saw them" Zander's mom said decently confused as to how they disappeared so fast. They all had hid behind a bush the minute they heard Bethany's giggles "oh Hailey just texted me saying she was gonna say she was at Luke's house with Zander and some others and forgot to tell me" Hailey's dad said also decently confused. "She must have forgotten to hit send!I do that all the time!" Zander's mom replied "they should be fine"

The Music Freaks K-12 AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن