Chapter 4 - A Good Night Suffocation

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Apologies for this monstrosity again

 "Okay let's see who I got roomed with. Zander said looking at his info sheet "if I have to share a bed with anyone I'm gonna cry" Hailey said unenthusiastically. "So I got...Luke,Drew,Henry,Sadie,Hailey,Milly,Jake,Lia and Zoey.Damn that's a lot of people" Zander read off of his information sheet "we have to share with Drew?Ain't that gonna be awkward Huh?" Milly said "yup" everyone said in reply. They all looked over at Drew,Luke,Jake,Stacy and Daisy.And oh boy did Drew looked pissed. Jake grabbed Luke and found the others. Hailey walked over to everybody else as well. "Drew's gonna be hell to live with" Jake stated. "He is the grumpiest asshole in the morning. I've been to sleepovers at his house and I swear he will not hesitate to try and suffocate you with a pillow if you make a god damn peep while he's trying to sleep"He finished. "Noted, well someone has to share a bed with says so on here" Zander said very confused as to why Wattpad was influencing the rules of K-12's dorms "Let's have Drew sleep on the couch!" Milly suggested. "You little demonic genius!" Zander said in excitement "Fine then, but someone else is bunking with us too" Drew had walked over "meet Leo,He's dormed with us too" Drew smiled cynically at them. This kid looked sketchy as fuck. They all walked over to their dorms and got changed into comfier clothes.Drew and Leo settled on two separate couches. Everyone else was squeezed into one room. Henry was the only one not on a bunk bed,he had a twin bed that was close to the door leading into the living room. By the time they got finished unpacking it was 10:58. Which was lights out for the entire school.everyone was in bed and asleep. Accept for Henry,Sadie and Leo. Leo decided to sneak into the main room. Nobody noticed him creep over to Zander's bed and grab a pillow. "HEY!" Henry yelled. Everyone jolted awake as Sadie turned on the light to reveal Leo trying to suffocate Zander. He had pulled the pillow away from Zander's face. Zander reacted quickly and kicked him in the head. Sadie carefully picked him up and placed him back on the couch. "Nobody tell Drew okay?" Sadie said whilst closing the door. "Why?" Jake asked. "We have to manipulate him, we have to make him believe that Leo is the good guy. If we convince Drew otherwise they'll get suspicious of us" she explained. This made sense to nobody but they agreed anyways. Sadie shut the lights off and got back into her bed

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