Chapter 7 - Class Fight

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This is the last chapter I completed. Who knows if I'll finish it

Everyone stepped out onto the playground. Like the rest of the school it was very pastel. Everyone made their way over to one of the sets of tire swings. The tires on them were huge and could fit at least 4 people at once. Everyone sat around the area of a specific swing. Henry knew he'd be too short to visibly see everyone so he decided to get on one of the swings. He got on and sat on the edge. That lasted for one second he fell a bit backwards and got stuck in the hollow rim part. A bit of his legs along with his feet were hanging out of the swing. he struggled in silence to sit upright. He couldn't, He was very much stuck "uhhhh guys?" Henry said still stuck in the tire swing. Nobody noticed him "Welp...Guess this is my life now..." Milly heard that. She got up and helped him "This happens to me a lot trust me,I get it" They both sat down and kept talking with everyone else. Everyone completely forgot about about the fight. Lucinda was talking to all of her friends Leo,Willa,Stacy,Liam and Daisy "You know that Zoey girl?" Lia started paying attention to what Lucinda was saying. "I heard she had a sugar daddy" Willa and Stacy giggled "I can confirm that, I was friends with the guy she was cheating on. He didn't even know" Liam starting laughing. "He was so stupid I mean come on man?Who would date you?" Everyone laughed at that. Daisy's laugh sounded oddly fake, she wasn't to laugh at these kinds of things. Lia tapped Henry's shoulder and told him to start listening in. "Anyways, I learned a little bit about him. Apparently they broke up because she realized that she was being 'PoTEnTiALlY GRoOmEd'" Liam told them. Daisy didn't laugh at this but everyone else burst out laughing. Henry was shocked at how his friend was acting. This wasn't like him. Lia's blood was boiling big time "And lemme show you how she dressed" Liam said whilst grabbing out his phone to show them a picture of Zoey from Drew's Instagram. "She looks like a slut" Leo said while laughing. Daisy was not finding this funny, she was uncomfortable with all of this. Lia looked like she was about to start violently squealing like finished tea "Who's that other girl?" Leo asked pointing at Lia "oh that's Zoey's best friend. My friend Henry has a crush on her" Liam explained "So your telling me your friend group was two girls who dressed SUPER slutty 24/7, some short brain damaged retard who has a crush on one of the girls, a freak, and a spoiled rich kid?" Leo said cackling "pretty much" Liam said with a proud smirk on his face. Lia was done. She got up and walked over to Liam. "Hello there" Lia said sounding annoyed "who may you be?" Willa asked "a slut apparently, I'm here to talk to the sad excuse of a friend that is Liam" Lia replied sounding like she was about to explode into a screaming fit. She looked Liam dead in the eyes and took a deep breath "YOU BASTARD" She pushed him to the ground. Everyone turned around to look at Lia "what's happening?" Jake asked Henry "I'll tell you later. Henry said looking like he was on the verge of tears. He ran away from everyone else and hid behind a bush. Lia was screaming at Liam "YOU DERANGED LIAR!YOU REALLY THINK YOUR FUNNY HUH?CALLING ZOEY A SLUT,JAKE A FREAK AND HENRY A RETARD? GREAT FRIEND YOU ARE HUH?WELL WHY DON'T ABOUT YOU FOR ONCE?" Everyone was in shock. Nobody knew Lia could lose her absolute shit like that "YOUR A DISGUSTING LITTLE CREEP WITH A CRUSH ON SOMEONES MOM, OH NOT TO MENTION YOUR HUGE SUPERIORITY COMPLEX,HOW LOVELY HUH EVERYONE?" Liam took a few punches and kicks from Lia. Henry was hiding in a nearby bush on the verge of tears "I can't believe he'd say all that...I trusted him" Henry thought "I really did...what the hell?" He has now crying "I mean come on I'm an ass too but at least I don't talk shit about about my friends so other people like me!what the fuck?" He whispered to himself "you were my best friend what the hell man?" He thought.Everyone stepped out onto the playground. Like the rest of the school it was very pastel. Everyone made their way over to one of the sets of tire swings. The tires on them were huge and could fit at least 4 people at once. Everyone sat around the area of a specific swing. Henry knew he'd be too short to visibly see everyone so he decided to get on one of the swings. He got on and sat on the edge. That lasted for one second he fell a bit backwards and got stuck in the hollow rim part. A bit of his legs along with his feet were hanging out of the swing. he struggled in silence to sit upright. He couldn't, He was very much stuck "uhhhh guys?" Henry said still stuck in the tire swing. Nobody noticed him "Welp...Guess this is my life now..." Milly heard that. She got up and helped him "This happens to me a lot trust me,I get it" They both sat down and kept talking with everyone else. Everyone completely forgot about about the fight. Lucinda was talking to all of her friends Leo,Willa,Stacy,Liam and Daisy "You know that Zoey girl?" Lia started paying attention to what Lucinda was saying. "I heard she had a sugar daddy" Willa and Stacy giggled "I can confirm that, I was friends with the guy she was cheating on. He didn't even know" Liam starting laughing. "He was so stupid I mean come on man?Who would date you?" Everyone laughed at that. Daisy's laugh sounded oddly fake, she wasn't to laugh at these kinds of things. Lia tapped Henry's shoulder and told him to start listening in. "Anyways, I learned a little bit about him. Apparently they broke up because she realized that she was being 'PoTEnTiALlY GRoOmEd'" Liam told them. Daisy didn't laugh at this but everyone else burst out laughing. Henry was shocked at how his friend was acting. This wasn't like him. Lia's blood was boiling big time "And lemme show you how she dressed" Liam said whilst grabbing out his phone to show them a picture of Zoey from Drew's Instagram. "She looks like a slut" Leo said while laughing. Daisy was not finding this funny, she was uncomfortable with all of this. Lia looked like she was about to start violently squealing like finished tea "Who's that other girl?" Leo asked pointing at Lia "oh that's Zoey's best friend. My friend Henry has a crush on her" Liam explained "So your telling me your friend group was two girls who dressed SUPER slutty 24/7, some short brain damaged retard who has a crush on one of the girls, a freak, and a spoiled rich kid?" Leo said cackling "pretty much" Liam said with a proud smirk on his face. Lia was done. She got up and walked over to Liam. "Hello there" Lia said sounding annoyed "who may you be?" Willa asked "a slut apparently, I'm here to talk to the sad excuse of a friend that is Liam" Lia replied sounding like she was about to explode into a screaming fit. She looked Liam dead in the eyes and took a deep breath "YOU BASTARD" She pushed him to the ground. Everyone turned around to look at Lia "what's happening?" Jake asked Henry "I'll tell you later. Henry said looking like he was on the verge of tears. He ran away from everyone else and hid behind a bush. Lia was screaming at Liam "YOU DERANGED LIAR!YOU REALLY THINK YOUR FUNNY HUH?CALLING ZOEY A SLUT,JAKE A FREAK AND HENRY A RETARD? GREAT FRIEND YOU ARE HUH?WELL WHY DON'T ABOUT YOU FOR ONCE?" Everyone was in shock. Nobody knew Lia could lose her absolute shit like that "YOUR A DISGUSTING LITTLE CREEP WITH A CRUSH ON SOMEONES MOM, OH NOT TO MENTION YOUR HUGE SUPERIORITY COMPLEX,HOW LOVELY HUH EVERYONE?" Liam took a few punches and kicks from Lia. Henry was hiding in a nearby bush on the verge of tears "I can't believe he'd say all that...I trusted him" Henry thought "I really did...what the hell?" He has now crying "I mean come on I'm an ass too but at least I don't talk shit about about my friends so other people like me!what the fuck?" He whispered to himself "you were my best friend what the hell man?" He thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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