Chapter 6 - Naptime

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This will make no sense whatsoever have fun reading this dumpster fire 🤩

Everyone walked into the Nap Time room in a single file line. They all got into their assigned beds and waited for Ms Daphne to leave. Everyone did as Sadie ordered previously. They were teleported to this tunnel that looked like a pillow and blanket fort "guys?" Someone's voice called out. It was Hailey "who was that?" Sean said trying to find his way to the main part of the fort "It's me" Hailey replied "me as in who smarty pants?" Milly questioned "well I know your Milly now" Sean replied "WELL I am Hailey,Milly ever so rudely told me to shut up but anywa-" Hailey began to say "Would you shut up I'm trying to focus on finding all of y-" Luke began to say. He had found the main area of the fort mid sentence. Zoey,Lia,Henry,Zander,Sadie and Sean were already there. There were just enough cushions for everyone and a few lanterns sat on the ground along with a telephone,a coloring book and a container of animal crackers in the middle of the area. Luke sat in the middle of Sean and Zander who was sitting next to Sadie. They were whispering to each other. Eventually everyone else found the area and sat down too. "Sadie's gonna fight Lucinda" Zander announced "Wait why!?" Luke asked in confusion "because of this" Sean handed him the paper "there's also this other one from Lucinda's friend Willa" Sean passed him the other note Luke opened the note from Lucinda which was a threat directed at Drew and Hailey "This will be you at recess if you don't leave Jake alone. He's mine" it read. There was a detailed heavily gory drawing of two severed heads attached to the note. "That was thrown at my head during class today" Drew explained. "I'll be fighting for myself. The one from Willa is why Sadie's fighting,Trust me it's better if you let Sadie handle this one Luke" Drew said as Luke uncrumpled the note Willa sent. It was addressed to Zander, it was pretty harsh and...offensive to say the least "What in dicks fuck inspired her to write that?She doesn't even know him" Drew said whilst peaking at the note "I dunno,I think I know which girl wrote this and I too think it's best if Sadie handles her I refuse to fight that girl"Luke replied 

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