Chapter 2 - A New Adventure

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Forgive me for this monstrosity this is old

Bethany ratted them out,Of course she did. Zander and Hailey luckily didn't get any punishment due to the circumstances of the current situation at hand. Zander and Hailey had gotten a lecture about trust and responsibility that lasted a good 30 minutes to one hour. "You see if Bethany wasn't such a little snitch we wouldn't have had to suffer though that" Zander remarked while he was walking to school with his club "was it as awkward as the silence in the car when your dad had to drive me home because the sky was pitch black and my house was far away?" Jake said looking directly at Hailey "We should have just kept him in our basement" Zander said jokingly. Jake shuffled away from Zander a tiny bit. Everything else was going fine until they walked past Drew,Stacy and Liam.They were picking on somebody new,Sadie. The club hid behind a bush and watched it go down. "What are you gonna do freak?" Liam said while holding a book out of Sadie's reach "give it back Liam!You don't know what it's for you could get hurt!" Sadie jumped up to grab the book Liam went up on his tippy toes "Awwwwww,does this huwt youw pwoor fweewings?" He said mockingly. Zander had been here before. He got up, dusted himself off and tugged hard at Liam's shirt collar causing him to gag a bit "Can you like...I dunno leave Sadie the hell alone?" Zander asked calmly Liam chuckled, Zander yanked at his shirt collar again. "I said stop.Are ya deaf?" Zander said a bit angrier this time. "What the hell is he doing!?" Jake whispered "I dunno but he's gonna get his ass kicked,should we intervene?" Hailey whispered back "nah he's got this" Milly assured them "if you say so..." They all said nervously,Milly mouthed the words "now" at Zander, he rolled his eyes "bad timing and a stupid plan but okay" he mumbled. He did what Milly said to use as a last resort

fighting technique. He kicked Liam in the balls. Everyone was decently shocked considering the fact that Zander had never been the type to do such a thing "hope he didn't want kids" Henry remarked, Milly couldn't hold it in, she lost her fucking shit laughing. Drew looked over at the club hiding in the bushes in shock. Sadie grabbed her book and decided to kick Liam's backpack into oncoming traffic. She smirked as Liam watched in shock as it rolled away. Almost getting hit.the entire club and Sadie bolted away before anything bad could happen. "What the fuck Henry!?" Drew said while helping Liam up "you could have done something besides laugh" Liam said while dusting off his shirt. Liam spotted a car about to run his backpack over "Henry go get it!" Liam said in panic "Okay" Henry said while walking over to the bag. He stood there and looked at his friends backpack. He had a sudden change of heart. He kicked it further into traffic. It got hit and everything including his lunch,went everywhere. Henry bolted away knowing he would get in trouble otherwise. Someone pulled down their car window. It was Daisy, she looked down at the ground and glared at Liam "really?" Sounding pretty pissed off for someone who is usually a kind hearted person who never would offend anyone in the slightest even if her life depended on it. Liam glared at her and walked away dragging Drew by the arm with him. "The nerve of him" Liam mumbled

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