Chapter 5 - First Day At This F*cking School

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"HE THOUGHT MY LETTUCE 'FANTASIES' WERE WHAT!?" Henry exclaimed "You know who were talking about right?" Jake replied "YEAH BUT STILL WHY WOULD THEY BE SEXUAL!?ISN'T IT LIKE ILLEGAL TO VIOLATE VEGETABLES LIKE THAT!?" Henry said in genuine shock,confusion and concern for his friend. "We ARE talking about Liam after all right?" Zoey chimed in Henry,Luke,Sadie,Hailey,Milly,Jake,Lia Zander and Zoey were standing outside of the school talking. "would you guys keep it down?" Zander whispered, he looked paranoid and stressed considering the events the night before."Good idea guys we should-" Jake began to say "SHUT YOUR TRAP BOY" Jake was hit in the face and pushed to the ground by a supervisor who was walking by. The supervisor got on his knees and grabbed onto Jake's shirt collar "got it" the supervisor said angrily. Jake gulped and almost cried "Yes sir" He whispered pathetically "WHAT WAS THAT!?"The supervisor said loudly "Y-yes Sir" Jake said again but a bit louder. He was about to cry, he had never been pressured like this before. Everyone was looking at him. "LOUDER YA RETARD" the supervisor demanded "Y-YES SIR" Jake yelled. He was doing what anyone in this situation would do, he was crying. The supervisor got up and walked away. Zander of all people rushed to help him up. Jake accepted the help from Zander. Sadie walked over and gave Jake an eyepatch. He had a huge black eye. Jake put the eyepatch on and Zander hugged him which genuinely shocked him "this is odd" Jake said after Zander let him go "Everyone's clearly suffering here if I assume if we all help each other it'll be semi better" Zander explained "Makes sense" Hailey chimed in "ATTENTION" everyone looked in front of themselves. There was the principal. He had a green suit on which looked like the suit of some sort of young thrift store knock-off onceler. He also had brown hair that was so hair sprayed it looked like it had watered down clear gorilla glue slathered in it poorly by a young toddler.his eyes were a weird shade of vomit green. He also had a serious extremely noticeable case of resting bitch face "EYES FORWARD,LIPS ZIPPED AND BODIES STILL" The principal said. He sounded like your average bitchy first grade teacher trying to get their rowdy ass classes attention. "Welcome to K-12 high school, I am your principal Mr.Heller. Everyone should know where to go as it's on your schedules" he paused for a moment to cough and light his fat ass cigar. "NOW SCRAM" he coughed again. Everyone scrambled inside. Henry and his dorm mates got trampled by the crowd. Well Everyone accept Leo and Drew... Everyone else got up, picked up their bags and walked inside. "I wonder why everyone's so afraid of dying" Henry said while looking at his dorm mates "Yeah,it's a just part of life after all" Zander replied. Luke and Hailey nodded in agreement "You start in the womb and you end in the tomb after all" Milly,Zoey and Lia all said at once "maybe I treated too harshly" Milly said to Zoey. Zoey just smiled at Milly and they kept walking. "Right here" Zander sighed as he stopped in front of a pastel pink door with a sign next to it that was labelled 'Room 222' "that's our class" Zander said while looking at everyone else. "These doors are heavy" Luke said while trying to pushing on the door. Zander pulled the handle and it opened without problem. Everyone was already sitting down and Drew was signalling at the others to sit with him. The teacher was gone they quickly sat down with Drew. Sadie sat down next to Drew immediately. Much to his surprise. A note came flying at Drew's head. It was addressed to him and Hailey for some odd reason. It was from a girl in their class named Lucinda "This will be you at recess if you don't leave Jake alone. He's mine" it read. There was a detailed heavily gory drawing of two severed heads attached to the note. Drew handed it to Hailey and Jake in shock. Sean was sitting with Lucinda as well. He threw a note at them too. "Meet me at nap time"it read. Everyone was confused until Sadie spoke up. "This school does nap time because if we did breaks we would be roaming around and somebody would catch a teacher snorting crack or something, My mom and dad went to this school they know the ins and outs of this shit show" she explained. I want everyone to look at me and not look away until I say. Everyone turned to Sadie. Her eyes turned pitch black. Just like on the bus. So did everybody else's "now blink" she ordered. Everyone did as told. Their eyes turned back to normal "Before you get into your cradle at nap time want you to look at the person next to you and focus on the thought of meeting them in a secret fort of sorts got it?" Sadie said. Everyone nodded their heads. The teacher walked in. Sadie's head shot up "Miss Daphne..." Sadie muttered in shock. Her mother had warned her about her. "Don't ever speak to her without being asked, or protest against the pledge of allegiance. I knew of a kid who died after not standing" her mom would always say. Sadie caught Miss Daphne's eye. She walked over to Sadie's desk. "What's your last name little girl?" She asked "R-Rose, Miss Daphne" Sadie immediately said. "What's your moms name?" Miss Daphne asked. "C-Crybaby" Sadie replied uneasily "you better not be like your mother, we don't have time to rebuild another school" Miss Daphne said while walking back to her desk at the front of the class. All of the sudden the PA system made a ding noise. "Good morning, everyone please stand for the pledge of allegiance" the announcer said. Everyone stood up besides Zander who sat down. Sadie violently forced him up not wanting him to suffer like the other boy. Zander stood up. He said the pledge, almost by force, he wasn't even aware of this. He was getting a flashback of what happened to the other boy. He gulped and continued on with the pledge.

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