01 | Flicker

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I closed my umbrella, putting it in the umbrella stand after I walked down the dark staircase.


I heard as my lights started switching on.
Honestly, it's quite boring being a game developer. I get a shit salary, my financial income is all over the place, and most importantly, my hideout base thing that I found is in reality, an old, humid, moldy, musty, and shabby basement of this run-down-cabin thing I found in the woods near my granny's house, the house I'm currently living in.


Jamming out to the music, I didn't hear the flickering noise behind me. What I did notice, however, was the room getting dark as I was thinking about how I was supposed to change jobs if all I knew was stuff to do with, well, coding of course.


I walked up the stairs, using my phone as a flashlight.

"Why does the power always go out here?" I questioned myself.

Now that I think about it, I should've noticed from the first day I got here, 5 days ago, that the cabin was weird. There was running water, electricity, and other things that you'd usually have to pay for.

I walked to the back of the cabin and played with the power box for a little before the lights all flickered back.

"And, Done!" I proudly said, wiping the non-existent sweat off my forehead.

On the way back to the cabin, I couldn't help but notice a trail of mud.

"Must've left the door open or something." I scratched my head.

I looked around to see a white tiger looking at me with a whole chunk of uncooked noodles in its mouth.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself.

"Since when did white tigers exist in this world?"

The last time I heard of white tigers existing was through stories that my granny used to tell me about. Looking at one eye to eye is strange to me.

"Hello...?" I said approaching it cautiously.

"I don't think I should approach it because I know literally nothing about this mythical creature."

"Hoi!" It replied with its mouth full of noodles, "Where'd you get this from? It's pretty tasty."

"What the fuck?"


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Her light | Chaehyun (Kim Chaehyun) ffWhere stories live. Discover now