03 | Sleep

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There's this warm feeling hitting my face.


Could it be the sun?

No, it's too wet to be the sun.


Wait, it's wet.

Why is it wet?


Ew. What the fuck?


I sat straight up in bed, shocked.

"Holy shit what the fuck?" I yelled at the white, furry, and semi-translucent figure hovering over my bed.

I'm dreaming. It has to be a dream. There are no other explanations for it. I've got to be dreaming. There's no way in hell that-

"Good morning!" the snow-colored tiger smiled whilst it greeted me.

"You are a white tiger," I started, getting a nod from the tiger as a reply. "And you can talk." I continued, getting another nod from the tiger.

"I can dance too." the tiger said, nonchalant.

I stayed silent.

"Wanna see?"

"Not particula-" but before I could finish my sentence, the large creature got off the bed and stood on its back legs, using its front legs to use as hands to do a disco dance.


I gave a disgusted look, gaining a sigh from the tiger as it returned to standing on all fours.

"Not impressed?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Dang, all the kids used to love it when I did that. Now everything's different and no one likes it when animals do different things like that." the tiger said, looking down.

"Oh... I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm sure kids love it but I'm not a kid."

"You're not?" it said in reply, scared, taking a step away from me.

"Woah Woah there, why are you backing away? All I said was that I wasn't a kid."

"You know what, I've got to go. I'll see you sometime maybe? Bye!" It rushed out the door, disappearing into thin air.

What the hell did I just witness? What just happened?


Knock Knock Knock

"Grandma, I'm home!"


Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Grandma! I'm home!", birds started flying away from the trees.


The door opened, "Computer bug, you're home!"

I sprinted through the door and ran into my room, tripping over the carpet on the floor before quickly picking myself up.

I flopped onto the bed, facing up then flipped around, face down into the pillow.

"Arghhh!" I yelled into the pillow, muffling my voice.

Sleep. I just need to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

I rolled around on my bed in frustration.

I can't sleep.

What the fuck just happened to me? There's no way that that.... thing could disappear like that. It just doesn't make sense.

I rolled in my bed again, resulting in me becoming a blanket burrito, "Ugh, I hate it here.".


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