05 | White

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Why does this forest have so much snow everywhere?

I continued to walk down the path, snow so deep that it reached my ankles. The sun still barely peeking out as it was 5am in the morning.

I just wanted to get back to the cabin to make sure the snow didn't get into the house after the snow storm that happened yesterday.

I continued to tread down the long snowy path, still freezing as the snow continued to fall on me.


Make that snow pile. Not snow falling but a whole pile of snow. I just wanted to walk in peace but instead, I got a tree that let a pile of snow fall onto my head.

And before you knew it, it started hailing.

Shoot. Where's my umbrella? Did I leave it behind in the snow while I tried to get out of it? Shoot this is so bad.

I hid underneath a tree. But if only I known that trees were super unreliable to use as shelter, I would've ran to the cabin. But I didn't. I let a hail piece to drop straight onto my head and blacked out.


As I woke up, the light blinded my sight. All I saw was white in the already very white environment I was in.

The white tiger carefully carried me with it's mouth as if I was it's cub. I looked up to look at the tiger, it still being focused on the path to the cabin. I may have stared for too long as a couple seconds later, the tiger's eyes dilated and looked back to return the eye contact. It dropped me onto the ground.

"Ow.", I said before trying to stand up, brushing the snow off of my butt and legs.

The white tiger looked at me and cocked it's head to the side, "Did I hurt you too much?", it replied.

Right, I forgot about how this tiger could talk.

"Ah, no. It shocked me a bit, that's all." I replied, still brushing the snow off of my padded jacket. "Wait, What happened?"

"The hail wouldn't stop falling and I didn't want you to get hurt so I covered you with my body until it stopped hailing."

"Thank you for protecting me." I replied, a momentary silence following right after. Breaking the silence, I followed it with "Oh, didn't you run away last time after you found out I wasn't a kid and I could understand you?"

"Yea, I was just a little surprised. No other person after 15 has ever been able to understand me." It replied, grooming itself with it's tongue. "C'mon, get on my back. I'll give you a ride to the cabin."

"Oh, Okay. Uh, How do I-"

"Just get on."

"You're a little too tall." I replied.

The white tiger leaned down, letting me get onto it's back.

"Holy crap this is so scary."

"I'll walk slowly since it's your's and my first time.", it said, starting to walk slowly across the snow filled forest.

"Can I hold onto something?" I asked, fearing I'd fall off.

"I guess you could just kind of hug or wrap your hands around my neck. Maybe you should bring something that you could wrap around me to hold onto next time. Maybe something like a saddle or harness?" It said, unconsciously walking faster.

"Maybe.", I wrapped my hands around it's neck before wrapping my hands around it's neck. "What's your name by the way?"

"Chaehyun. My name is Kim Chaehyun." What's your's?

"It's Se Baek Ho but everyone just calls me computer bug."

"Your parents must've really liked white tigers and the world hm?"

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused.

"The word 'Se' come's from the word Se Ge, meaning the world. 'Baek' Meaning white and 'Ho' meaning tiger."

"I guess they must've then, hm?"

I laid my head on the tiger's back, looking at the sparkly snow beneath our feet. I felt a gust of cold but comforting wind blowing against me and the white creature's coat. I snuggled up closer to the tiger wanting to feel more warmth before a familiar structure seemed to appear through the cold fog. "We're almost there!" I excitedly said, patting the white furry coat beneath me.

"Yep!" The tiger said, speeding up the hill. "Hold on tight."

And boy did I hold on tight. The tiger moved so fast that I almost fell off but it was worth it. We had made it.

"And we're here!" Chaehyun said, putting her head down, allowing me to get off.

I took a step off of her into the deep and thick white snow. I opened up the door and walked into the cabin, realizing everything was still clean, no signs of snow being in the cabin at all

"Come up stairs! You're probably still tired." I heard Chaehyun call from the bedroom upstairs

"What time is it?" I said, walking up the staircase into the bedroom.

"Around 6am"

"Oh," I peeked from around the door, "sleep time it is!"

"I'll go make some food, or I'll try to."


And then, I dozed off.

©gimgumdrops, all rights reserved.

Her light | Chaehyun (Kim Chaehyun) ffWhere stories live. Discover now