04 | Snow

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I sat on the little cozy area by the small white window sill in my room, watching the snow fall onto the trees outside. I made this area when I was a little kid. I remember that at the time, I made it after I moved in here from the city. I moved in with my grandma's cottage because my mom passed away from a heart attack in his sleep whilst my dad... left me when I was a kid. After I moved in, I made the cozy area so that I could relax and stuff!

"Computer bug! Come help me make breakfast!" Granny yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yelled back, getting off the pillow and walking towards the kitchen.

It's been about 3 days since I've gone back to that cabin in the woods. I think— no. I know that I've been traumatized and scared of what had happened to me during those couple of days all of a sudden. I haven't seen that white tiger thing since I stopped going over to that old, shabby, run-down cabin.

I grabbed the hot toast straight out of the toaster, "OW! HOT!" I dropped the toast onto the plate, "HOT HOT!" I grabbed the other toast and dropped it onto the other plate, " VERY HOT!"

"That's why you shouldn't grab the toast right out of the toaster you idiot! Wait for the toast to cool down first! You're lucky your hands were already cold from the winter!"


"You won't be "Hehe"ing when you end up in the hospital next time."

"Eheh-", my grandma gave me a stern face, "Okay sorry, geez."

"I'm kidding my little computer bug, but please do remember to be careful next time!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek then grabbed the pan that had been frying the sunny side up eggs. ""OH. HO HO OH-"


"Granny! Are you okay?" I worriedly hurried over to granny, who now sat on the floor with her legs in a V position, still holding the frying pan with the still eggs intact.

I kept my eyes off for grandma for a split second and now she's on the ground, idiot.

She pushed herself off the ground with her left arm and dusted them off, "I just got scared by some of the oil flying off the egg.". She stood straight up and put the eggs on both the toasts, "Thank god the eggs were okay."

I playfully slapped granny's arm, "That's what you care about? You could've eneded up in the hospital. You might be young at heart but you're not physically young."

"Stop being such a old lady, computer bug" my granny said as she pinched my cheek. "Your body's gonna be older than me if you keep thinking like a old person."

I rolled my eyes at her and she copied me, mocking me in the process. We both laughed it off while we put the eggs onto the toast, taking a bite out of the still crunchy and warm toast.

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Her light | Chaehyun (Kim Chaehyun) ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon