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Camila lay on her bed, eyes wide open despite it being two a.m. on a school night. Lately, Lauren had been a constant thought in head. But she doesn't necessarily lose sleep because of her. Its more like she dreams about her more than anything.

And these dreams, they're not exactly the innocent kind of dream most times . . .

Tonight however, that isn't exactly the case. She still think about Lauren a lot. But right now, staring up on her cold ceiling, Camila had been thinking about the things the Ravenclaw girl had told her. She had been thinking of the things the headmistress had chastised the two of them about earlier.

Reluctantly, headmistress Normani Hamilton confirmed that Sanctum Cove wasn't just a fairytale meant to amuse people. That it was a real place somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. That it has been there for a very long time, untouched by any human until the recent history when good old Charlie Weasley found it by accident whilst taking flight with his dragon.

As it turns out, the cove was home to many different magical beings. Including dragons. It was Lauren's home before she ended up in Hogwarts. It would have been still Lauren's home if it wasn't destroyed by an unknown dark entity.

A powerful unknown dark entity.

Camila can't stop thinking about it since that late afternoon.

Twisted as it may, she feels somewhat grateful about it. If it wasn't for that tragedy, she and Lauren would probably have never crossed paths. She didn't have that inclination towards care of magical beasts, and it had been evident that the Ravenclaw girl would never make that active choice to leave the island.

But it also hurts to see Lauren heartbroken about her loss. It scares her, more than ever, that the girl might be in danger, just as much as the other surviving but displaced residents of the cove. And above all things, the possibility that her mother might have something to do about it all despite her being dead for more than a decade now is something that's truly mind-bothering.

Because if anyone other than Tom Riddle can come back from the dead, it is more than likely to be her mother . . .

Her train of thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of chains clanking and a very distinguishable groaning sound. She looks over, suddenly hit by the fact that she's alone. Being her mother's daughter, majority of her fellow Slytherins opted not to room with her. It was as if she'd kill them too in their sleep. It never bothered her before. But listening to that clanking of chains and somebody's groaning, Camila felt somewhat desolate rather than spooked by it.

She gets up from her bed and steps out of her room.

Subtle green light illuminated the hallway in that part of the dungeon. Months earlier, she had no idea that just on the other side of the Slytherin dormitory, was another part of the dungeons where a dragon quietly sits.  No other students knew about it but Lauren. That only a thick stone wall separates them from a young temperamental magical beast.

She wonders what Pickle's up to; if he's sleeping okay or if his side of the dungeon felt much colder than her side. She may not outright say it, but she already has grown fond of the young dragon.

Camila wanders to the common room. She takes a seat in a corner beside the clear window, having a clear view of the lake's dark underwater currents. She'd like to spot that old giant squid; see if its as awake as her, wonder if Lauren knows how to speak squid too like she does with Pickle. But all she can see are the swaying kelp forests and random bug-eyed rainbow trouts.

She hears the clanking chains again and it's closer to her this time around. She looks over and finds Bloody Baron groaning on the couch, his eyes still as dark as it always was, silver blood forever stains his robes.

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