Chapter 1

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Then, when Aizawa was about to announce to Y/n, a huge gust of wind blew that blow everyone's Santa hats around the place "what the..."

Then a colourful fireworks bust as Eri was taken by surprise then in came Y/n's uncle as he revealed a beautiful gold castle that glows so bright it even over shine Ayoama.

Everyone cheered and smiled but Y/n run to her uncle "uncle Drosselmeyer!" She hug him as he return the hug "whose that?" Eri asked while pointing at him with his gray hair tired in a ponytail dress in a tux. "This is Hans Drosselmeyer, Y/n's uncle and the best toy maker in Japan" Momo answered but Eri was distracted because of the beautiful gold castle "look they have small peoples in there" Eri smiled.

"It's beautiful uncle Drosselmeyer, you really pulled it out." She smiled then took a turn to Aizawa "Aizawa sensei, why didn't you say that my uncle is coming?"

Aizawa facepalm added with a sigh to himself because that's what he was trying to do "it's beautiful sir" Eri complemented Y/n's uncle as he looked at her "why thank you my dear" then Kaminari asked Drosselmeyer if the solders can come out but he said no "I wish the swan could fly" Y/n wished but Drosselmeyer told her that's impossible.

"It's it possible to make All Might..."

"No no no, that won't do," Drosselmeyer toned as some of them felt dissatisfied, Drosselmeyer turn off the castle by stopping the clock as the castle lights died down and the little people stopped. "Honestly, these kids now a day have no rights whats it means to be a toy maker" he added while Y/n laugh "okay okay uncle, you worked yourself way too hard to make this beautiful decorative art" Y/n took her uncle while her uncle place the castle by the tree and in the sofa to catch up all the detail.

"So uncle, didn't you say that your bringing someone?" Y/n set a reminder to him "I did but let's say he's unavailable" he answered "well uncle since your here I'm going to grabbed a drink but don't worry I'll get you one" so she did as Y/n classmate gathered around him.

When Drosselmeyer told everyone to have fun he place a little toy underneath the tree, hoping Y/n would find it.

Everyone was opening their presents for secret Santa as Ojio felt surprised how Eri got the biggest gift but after secret Santa is the all present gifts and Y/n felt glad "ballet slippers!" She cheered "that's from me Y/n" Mina waved at her because Mina and Y/n are they best dancer, well Mina doesn't do well in ballet, she more than a hipster ballet.

Then Momo gave her a present, "a doll, you know me so well" Y/n thank Momo as Y/n took a liking to her black hair doll dress in pink "I think I'll call you Koyuki" she said to the doll as she place the doll in the doll shelves.

Why you asked, Y/n doesn't have anymore room so she place her doll collection there along with soldiers that Kaminari asked her to play with.

Then when Y/n walk back to talk to her uncle more, she heard a twinkling sound as she looked and saw a red hair nutcracker "Ara my, where did you come from?" She asked but smiled at her uncle "you brought him didn't you uncle Drosselmeyer?"

"Guessing you like it?" He asked her "well I never seen anything like it" she answered "it's a nutcracker, watch" he grabbed a nut from the bowl, place it in his mouth, lifting its arm as the nut shell break.

"Cool please let me try" she beg as Drosselmeyer let her have a go "he's wonderful uncle, not to mention how manly he looks" she chuckled, then Kaminari saw as he wanted to try it out "wait be carful with it" she warned but Kaminari tried to grabbed a nut but the bowl was empty as he saw a pebble that look like a nut.

He place the pebble in his mouth and lift his arms to break the shell but the pebble didn't break but the teeth of a nutcracker did.

"Kaminari! What have you done!" She blamed but Kaminari apologise and added that he didn't know "how could you mixed it up?" She yelled at him but Sero took him away so these two won't cause any drama.

"Aww, my poor nutcracker" she cried as Drosselmeyer told her to clam down which she did "I know, how about I'll tell you a story? I tell you all about the nutcracker and the way he looked." He said as Y/n sat down.

"Well then, once upon a time, they was a fine looking young man called Eijiro Kirishima, but call him Eijiro, who was a friend to his father. But before his his father is long gone, his father was asked to take care of him in the name of Hans Drosselmeyer. Who is a royal clockmaker and a magician to the king."

"Ara my, that's your name" Y/n said "yes it is and let's say that Eijiro was a" he stumbled his owns words to describe him until he got it "shy sometimes since he is 15 and like any boys whose the same age and let's say he has red hair but used to have black hair as he said quote on quote 'manly'."

Y/n chucked at his reason "he likes to work very well with Drosselmeyer who looked after all the clocks in the kingdom, ruled by a king, his wife the Queen and his lovely daughter, Princess Pearl."


Everyone in the kingdom was getting ready to celebrate the king's birthday as the king invited all the royal families. With the Queen, she is baking a cake featuring the kings favourite, blue cheesecake. Decorating the cake that is filled with candles, edible flowers and for the topping of the cake is the king head.


"Blue cheesecake? That's sound odd, I thought it would be an original cheesecake?" Y/n thought while Drosselmeyer chucked "thought so too but it seems to be different then other cheesecakes."


Then all of the sudden the mouse Queen appeared out of nowhere as she chuckled "hey sister give me some of that cheese" she demanded as the Queen felt scared "I'm a Queen too... and I want something to eat" she said "right this minutes" she finished as the Queen gasp in shocked then the  mouse Queen's son came in "me too! Gimme gimme gimme! cheese cheese CHEESE!" Then all the mouse came in cheering cheese as they ate the cake but with the Queen she cried so much like Midoryia. "Oh dear old me" she sobbed so much.


"How can an silly old woman of her didn't act her age?" Y/n chucked at the crying Queen "well you can say that, the king was silly too" Drosselmeyer added to Y/n's sentence.


"I want my cake! I want my cake" the king yelled like a child when he wanted something and the royal guards fetch the cake but as they enter, the mice burped and gulped their fianal slice as they saw the guards and run.

"That's the cake?" Because the cake was disoriented, missing  a few candles, flowers missing there petals and even leaning for it lost it's balanced.

One of the guards  asked while looking at the Queen and the Queen felt like that the guards will be judgemental so she felt the urge to cry again "yep that's the cake." The other guards said.

"Yikes! This smells so bad" a judgemental complaint was made for the blue cheesecake cake and both of them carried the cake while they can hear the king whining where is his cake, running as fast as they could. Then when the guards hurried as soon they reached the dinner table, they place the cake by the table in front of the king.

The king's face went red in anger but everyone in the royal family cheered, clapping their hand and one even pour the glass bottle of champagne making the king very happy "well yes, yes thanks...thank you very much" he got the cake slicer but Pearl look at it even taking a whiff, smell of the cake she pulled a face that's she wanted to vomit.

"Ara my! Papa, that's is the ugliest cake I HAVE ever seen" she cross her arms "it's absolutely disgusting"and turn her head away from the cake "I WON'T EAT IT" she added as the king dropped the slicer that leave a dent on the table while he looked down. Meanwhile with the Queen she cried and yell as she blew some of the guest away.

The Nutcracker (Eijiro Kirishima X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang