Chapter 2

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"Ara my dear husband, please forgive me" she sobbed "it was all the mouse Queen fault" she cried more and the king is triggered how someone can make his Queen cry "OFF WITH HER HEAD!!" The king yelled for the guards grabbed hold of the king's wife "NOT HER YOU BAKA!!" They dropped the Queen as the king made it very specific "THE MOUSE QUEEN!!"

Baka A and Baka B ran to fetch the mouse Queen but the Queen stopped her tears "ara ara dear husband, you must catch her first" she said as the king yelled what and the guards stopped with their heel.

Then the king looked at Drosselmeyer and Kirishima "well just don't stand there!" He yelled at them "DO SOMETHING!!" And with no further hesitations, both of them ran out.


"So what did they do uncle?" Y/n asking him as Drosselmeyer chucked "well that is when he made a brilliant idea to invent the mouse traps" he answered and Y/n further chucked "oh uncle."


So one by one, all of the mice where caught by the traps because all of the traps are involved with cheese. As Drosselmeyer and Kirishima captured all of the mice, they didn't know that they miss two for they didn't know about the mouse Queen along with her son.

For the Queen felt a bold anger of how Drosselmeyerand Kirishima got rid of them"how dare they" she scolded "they won't get away with this" she added and the son agreed "yeah let me have em so I can't cut them all to pieces" he drew out his sword and scream "I'll make them all like mince and turn them into..."

"SHUT UP ALREADY!!" The Queen yelled his son as his son came quiet.


Then one nightfall came, the Queen and her son came to Princess Pearl's sleeping chamber for she sounded peacefully for she slumbers in a deep sleep. They ran to her bed and they saw a cat sleeping meaning that the queen raised her figure to her lips signalling try not to make a sound.

The Queen lifted the duvet that show the Princess' feet for she is about to cast a terrible spell "eyes like diamonds be at stones, teeth white as clouds be as bone...unholy creatures for the night is long that the sun can never reach that this far."

When the spell is casted, she bite the toe of the Princess and the Princess cried that woken up her cat and as the cat screech, the Queen grabbed her sons hand and the cat chase them but missed because they went back to the mouse hole.

The maid bang open the door because of the scream that Pearl made and when the maid was about to asked her is something wrong, the maid scream so loud that the Princess looked ugly for she lost her beauty.

Morning came up and the king shows anger and his wife cried "she was so beautiful" dabbing her eyes to remove the tears "YOU!" King pointed finger at Drosselmeyer and Kirishima, but mostly Drosselmeyer, "YOU BAKA! YOUR THE BLAME" then the executioner took out an excitement as he got out his precious axe "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!"

Commanded, but the Queen reasoned with her husband "but sweetheart, wouldn't it be better if he could find a way to break the mouse Queen's spell" she said that made the executioner stopped "you can alway chopped his head some other time." She said to her husband "I guess that make sense" he cupped his chin and shorted the request that would work.

"You have 24 hours to break the spell or else I will" makes a motions to cut both heads off and Kirishima gulp. So hours after hours, they tried everything to break it and the Princess couldn't stopped crying "man that wasn't manly to place a curse of her" Kirishima said as he took a nut from the bag and took a chomp.

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