Chapter 4

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Y/n woken up and she felt like she's in a different room "what did I..." Then recovery girl came in "oh your awake" she greeted with a yawn "how did I..."

"Midoryia came in carrying you and said that you fall and hit your head in the table leg" Recovery girl answered for her "aside that, how are you feeling?" Recovery girl question her "I felt okay but nothing more" she answered "well then, since you felt 'okay'" quotation marks she made "I guess you can leave now if you want." With that request, Y/n thank recovery girl for she can stay there for a little longer.

Kaminari came in "hey Y/n, how ya feeling?" Kaminari asked her "okay, but why are you here?"

"Well I came here to give you these" he gave a box of chocolates, unsure why there are some missing chocolates "well I have to test them if they not poison" a dumb lie with a chuckle "however they fine" he added but Y/n change the subject a bit.

"Kaminari, you would never believe it, last night in the common room there were mice everywhere and there a big one, so huge it's so ugly it look like a rat" she said and Kaminari took a shock from her "a rat! What are you doing in the..."

Then Drosselmeyer came in "Kaminari, I believe someone is looking for you" he said and Kaminari made an eep sound "see ya Y/n." Waving see ya later, Drosselmeyer got out nutcracker.

"*Gasp* nutcracker" she smiled "see, good as new" he handed over the nutcracker to her while Drosselmeyer bring out a question "so tell me, how are you feeling Y/n?"

But instead of Y/n answering her uncle's question, she tone a bit "last night, I saw you and you where on top of the clock. Why didn't you help Eijiro?" She asked him as Drosselmeyer is signalling her to stay calm "he is your father's son friend isn't he?" Question another "now now, I'm not the one to help him" he replied then Aizawa came in "I thought that Kaminari would be here but I guess I was wrong" he sigh as he saw Y/n holding Kirishima.

"So this is what happen? I recommend you stay in your room and you seem to have a fall" Aizawa said but Y/n wanted to speak up but Aizawa added "is this the reason why your in the common room last night? Because of a nutcracker?" He took Kirishima away from Y/n grasp "but sensei, there was..." Aizawa raised his hand to shush her.

"Don't worry I'll put the nutcracker where he belong on the doll shelf" he went out and Drosselmeyer whispered to Y/n  "don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him for you." He said with a smiled. After when Y/n is done laying in the infirmary bed, Y/n carried the box of chocolates, that Kaminari have, in her room while she placed it in her nightstand drawer and went to sleep...well more like taking a nap.


Then night came in the second time and Clara heard some scratches that disrupted her sleep, so she craw where the sound is and saw how there's a small size hole in the wall.

"Grrr!" A grow from the mouse king and poor Clara, she meow in fear and woke Y/n up. Y/n gasp as she saw the mouse king that landed on her nightstand "your slipper I believe?" He show the slipper that was worn out leaving shoot stains from the fire "erm thank you I guess?"

"Well thank you nothing" he change his voice into a venom tone and show her his tail "just look! Look at this" he cried out "well I'm sorry, I didn't mean to set fire on you." She apologise "you were going to hurt Eijiro" she added but the mouse king laugh "hurt him...hurt him. *chuckled* I was going to turn him into a shoot of ashes" he insulted.

"Now that just mean and cruel" she insulted him back but let's say that the mouse king doesn't mind "oh please, your flattering won't stop me" he take it as a compliment "and beside, your nutcracker will be nothing than a stardust..." but the mouse king updated his speech "well more a heep of toothpicks... by the time I'm done with him." He was about to jump out of Y/n's nightstand.

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