Telling her you have adhd

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Hiding your adhd from Lizzie has always been easy, you wake up before she does take your medicine and go and lay back in bed with her. You were always embarrassed whenever someone found out you had adhd.

Even though Lizzie was the most caring and understanding person you had ever met you were still to scared to tell her about your disorder. Thinking to yourself that she would hate you and never want to talk you for something that has been apart of who you are since you were a child.

Yesterday you had taken your last pill but when you called the pharmacy to see if it was ready to be picked up they told you that your doctor hasn't refilled the prescription. You asked them if there was anything they could do but they simple told you to call your doctor and make an appointment. The only problem was was that there wasn't an opening for another week.

Meaning you had to come up with a way of hiding this from Lizzie for the next week. Laying in bed your mind was going a thousand miles a minute coming up with different things to tell her or ways for you to leave for a week so she wouldn't see you at all.

You were so deep in thought that you hadn't realized your girlfriend had woken up and was now cuddling into your side just watching you think. "You know you bite your lip when you're deep in thought" she said as she kissed your shoulder, bringing you out of your thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what did you say" you asked she just giggled and shook her head. " Nothing what has you so deep in your thoughts this early in the morning." She asks as she sits up and you do the same, getting out of the bed you head to the bathroom. "Nothing I was just thinking about my doctors appointment I have next week."

"Doctors appointment, what for?" She wonders as you close the door to the bathroom. Looking at yourself in the mirror you realize this is going to be a lot harder than you initially thought, considering Lizzie had the day off she is going to want to spend it cuddled up to your side and watching movies.

Suddenly there's a knock on the bathroom door and it starts to open, Lizzie walks in and sees you staring at yourself in the mirror. You hadn't even noticed she walked in until she ran her hand down your back. "You seem very worked up over a doctors appointment that isn't even till next week."

She chuckles as she reaches for her tooth brush, as she is brushing her teeth she notices that you haven't moved or said anything. Your thoughts just don't seem to stop no matter how hard you try to focus on anything that will keep you from doing something that could potentially trigger an episode.

Normally you wouldn't be this on edge but with out your meds there is nothing you can really do, sighing you pick up your tooth brush and toothpaste you being brushing your teeth. Lizzie looks at you and smiles as she leans over to you and kisses your cheek as she pulls her hair up into a messy bun and walks out of the bathroom to change.

After you finish your teeth you walk into the room and head for the closet your girlfriend tries to strike up a conversation with you but she sees that your aren't paying attention. Sighing she walks downstairs as you continue to look at the clothes in the closet. Grabbing random items of clothing you just throw them around the room not caring about the mess that you are making out of frustration.

Pulling on one of her sweaters and a pair of shorts you walk downstairs leaving the mess to be cleaned up later. Walking into the kitchen you see Lizzie making breakfast, as you walk up behind her you wrap your arms around her waist and lay your head on her back.

"Good morning my love" you say as she continues to make breakfast. "Good morning angel, are you feeling okay?" She asks as you kiss the back of her neck and walk to the fridge for a drink. "I guess" you said as you take a seat at the bar in the kitchen. When Lizzie turns around she sees you staring off into space.

When she places your plate down in front of you she sighs and grabs a hold of your hand. "Talk to me baby what is really going on, you have been out of it all morning." When you look at Lizzie you have tears in your eyes worried that she will think you're a freak if you tell her what is really going on.

Looking at your lap you sigh and whisper "I have adhd" when you look at her she just nods her head. You being to panic internally not knowing what she thinks of you now. "Okay so you have adhd, is that what's really bothering you?" She asks as she squeezes your hand comfortingly.

When you shook your head no she sighs and lifts your chin so you are looking back into her eyes. "Tell me what else it is then" she says gently, "I ran out of my meds and the pharmacy won't refill the prescription till I go see my doctor but that won't be till next week because that was the only available spot and I don't know what to do becau-"

"Baby you're rambling, okay so, it's only a week without your meds we can figure this out I promise." She says as you nod your head slowly "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I was just scared of what you would think of me." "You wanna know what I think" she says as she rubs her thumb over the back of your hand and again you slowly nod your head.

"I think that I love you and that you worry about what people think to much." She says as she picks up her fork and begins to eat her breakfast. Smiling at her you shake your head and pick up your fork and being eating as well.

This is going to be a long week you think to yourself as you take a sip of your drink and begin to zone out again.

I'm sorry that this chapter is long but I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to comment and vote. Also requests are open you can either dm me or comment them. Thank you for reading!!

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