Local Bar pt.2

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    Lizzie pov:

Today Robbie and I were going to go downtown to just walk around and what not, he said that there is supposed to be this up coming band playing at the bar so we were going to check them out I was excited to say the least I love discovering new music. The time was currently five o'clock so I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the evening.

    By the time I got done getting ready it was six thirty, Robbie came upstairs asking if I was ready to go. He seemed pretty pissed about something but I wasn't going to ask him about it knowing that he would just get even more upset. "Yeah, I just have to grab my shoes" I said as I got up from the vanity and quickly walked to the closet grabbing the first pair of sandals I could find and running down the stairs. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door and to the car, Robbie following close behind. The drive was silent it wasn't uncomfortable but you could definitely tell there was some tension. "Robbie? Do you think we could get ice cream before we go to the bar?" I asked quietly feeling like if I spoke any louder the situation would escalate, "I guess" was all he said before we pulled into the parking garage. I smiled and got out of the car him following, "you better know what you want before we get in there, you always take forever to pick something" he said before we got in the elevator to go down to the ground floor.

    I scoffed at him and crossed my arms, sometimes I don't think he means anything by what he says but it still hurts nonetheless. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as the elevator doors opened, he just looked at me and walked out. "don't act clueless Lizzie it is pretty self explanatory," he continued to walk away as I followed behind at a distance. His phone started ringing and he answered as we stopped in front of the ice cream shop, "I'll wait out here, make it quick" he said as he sat on the bench talking to whoever called him. When I walked in there was a long line of people sighing I just walked back out, knowing that he was going to say something about how I made him come all the way here just for me not to get anything.

    "You didn't get any ice cream?" He asked as he put his phone back in his pocket, "the line was really long and you told me to make it quick." "god Lizzie you always have to make me out to be the bad guy don't you?" He asked as he started walking away, "you can go to the bar without me, Marlana called so I am just going to hangout with her. I won't be coming home tonight so don't wait up for me or anything." Tears stung my eyes as I walked in the direction of the bar, I took my phone out of my bag and realized that I left my keys at home so even if I went home I wouldn't be able to get in. That realization was enough for me to burst out in tears as I continued on my journey to the bar, I looked at the time and realized that it was seven twenty the band was probably almost done with their set seeing as they only normally get a half hour to play.

When I got to the bar I could hear the music faintly from the outside and as I made my way inside I was met with a bunch of drunk people swaying to the song that was just ending. I looked up from my phone and saw the lead singer staring at me, her gray eyes were absolutely breath taking under the lights of the stage. I slowly made my way to the middle of the crowd as the intro of their final song started to play. I looked up again and we made eye contact once more before her eyes shifted to the keys, listening to the song I instantly fell in love with her singing voice I could listen to her all day. I thought, but I was soon interrupted as my phone vibrated in my hand, when I looked down I saw that Graham texted me. I opened it to see a picture of Robbie and Marlana making out, my hand flew to my mouth trying to suppress what was undoubtedly an uncontrollable sob. I quickly made my way out of the crowd and over to the bar to get a drink as I continued to cry.

    Three gin and tonics later I hear a voice from besides me, "hey I'm Y/N" the voice said and I looked up to see the girl from the stage. "Lizzie" I said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake,"mind if I ask you what got you down? Or can I buy you another drink?" She chuckled lightly as she pointed to my glass, "I'd better not" I say as I lean on my elbow. "That was a good song you played up there, it's a shame I didn't get to hear the end of it," she looked at me with a smirk. "Well maybe on day you will hear the end of it" she said as she stood up. "I should probably go pack up my things and head home, could I give you a ride?" She asked as she started walking towards the stage, I got up and followed her "that would be lovely, as long as you're not a serial killer." I said with a chuckle "ha ha very funny, even if I was a murderer I wouldn't kill you" she replied. "Oh yeah and why is that?" I asked with a slight smirk but she couldn't see it because her back was turned to me as she was putting her keyboard back in its case.

"You're too pretty..." I stoped listening when she called me pretty a blush quickly spread across my cheeks. When I finally zoned back in she was putting her phone back in her pocket and grabbing the guitar and a backpack that said B/F/N on it. "You ready to go?" She asked as she extended her hand out to me. I nodded and grabbed her hand as she lead me out to her car, she unlocked it and threw all her stuff in the trunk before grabbing my hand and leading me to the passenger side and opening the door for me. 'What a gentle woman' I thought as I got in the car "thank you" I whispered quietly. She gave me a slight nod as she quickly walked around to the other side of the car and got in.

She starts driving out of the parking lot as I was just looking out of the window, her car is so cold but I don't want to say anything so I sit there quietly and shiver. Suddenly I hear from beside me "here take this you look like you're freezing your ass off in that dress." She takes her jacket off and hands it to me while we are at the red light, I laughing slightly and take the jacket from her. "Poor planning on my part," I say as I rest my head on the window. "Hey don't fall asleep I need to know where I'm taking you" she says, I lift my head and say "just drive back into town it's a little bit of a drive" and with that I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

AN/: I'm so sorry this literally took me so long, I had already had it written just never published it. Let me know if you want a part 3 like Lizzie waking up the next day and things like that! Also please keep in mind that I love Robbie and Milo Greene and everything written about him and his band mates are purely for the story. Love you all!! <3

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