She's Scared of Losing You

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You and Lizzie have been dating for a while, to say you were in love would be an understatement. You both are absolutely head over heels for each other so you can imagine how scared Lizzie must have felt when she got a call from your best friend at work.

"Hello, is this Lizzie?" Your friend pondered through the phone. "Yes this is, why are you calling me from Y/N's phone?" Your girlfriend replied wondering who this woman was on your phone. "My name is B/F/N I was calling to let you know that Y/N has fainted and is currently being taken to the emergency room." Upon hearing this information Lizzie audibly gasped as her eyes welled up with tears. Lizzie knew that you weren't feeling all that great recently but you insisted that you were fine and continued on with your normal routine.

"Thank you for calling me" Lizzie rushed out as she hung up the phone and headed to the hospital that was closest to your workplace. Rushing inside Lizzie began to panic as she looked around and saw several of your coworkers gathered in a group, some were crying others just sat spacing out. Lizzie ran over to them and began to question them on everything. From all the information she was given she had figured out that you had an extremely high fever and were just doing your work as normal when you suddenly just fainted and fell to the floor.

"Family of Y/N" the doctor came out and said, immediately everyone's attention shifted from your crying girlfriend to the doctor standing in the doorway as he walked in Lizzie walked up to him. "Is she okay? Can I see her? What happened?" Lizzie pestered the man as he just stood there. "She will be okay she took a nasty fall and her fever is still extremely high but she will be alright with plenty of rest and medication." Upon hearing this news everyone began to relax a little as Lizzie asked the doctor is she could go back and see you.

He nodded and began to lead your girlfriend towards your room after your friend gave her your belongings. Upon stopping in front of the door to your room the doctor had told her what to expect when she walked in telling her that you weren't awake yet but that you should be shortly and that a few nurses would be coming and going checking in on you. Lizzie sighed and nodded in understanding as she walked into your room. A tear slipped down her cheek as she walked over and pulled up the chair next to your bed.

As you continued to lay in the bed and the monitors beeps Lizzie grabbed your hand gently and planted a few sweet kisses to the back of it as she began to speak to you. "Hey sweet girl, I need you to wake up for me now." She said as her words began to tremble as a new wave of tears fell from her perfect green eyes. Lizzie had gone through a lot and you have been her rock through most of is so the fact that she is currently sitting in the hospital next to your basically unconscious body is a little nerve wrenching.

A gentle squeeze could be felt on Lizzie's hand half an hour later and she looked up and saw you slowly opening your eyes. A smile broke out onto her face and a few happy tears slipped past her eyes. "You're awake" she whispered as she squeezed your hand gently before kissing it again. You looked around the room before asking "what happened?"

Once the situation had been explained to you the nurse came in to check on you. Seeing you awake she began to ask you questions while checking your vitals and taking your temperature. The fever was still high but was going down, the nurse made you both aware of this as she left the room a little bit later the doctor came in to tell you that if your fever went down and stayed down that you would be able to go home by the end of the night, and that is exactly what happened.

Once your fever was broken and the doctor gave you the all clear Lizzie was quick to help you out of the hospital and down to her car where she could take you home and make sure that you stay safe and sound in the presence of each other and your comfy bedroom. When you arrived home you made it up to your room where you changed into something more comfortable with the help of your girlfriend as she insisted that you NEEDED help getting changed and into bed. She went downstairs to get you water as the doctor said that it was very important for you to push fluids to keep yourself hydrated.

When Lizzie was finally done getting you everything she thought you would need for the night she got herself changed and then climbed into bed with you, as she did you turned on Age of Ultron and opened your arms for her to crawl into. She happily did so as she rested her head on your shoulder and wrapped her arms around yours.

As you were watching the movie you could feel Lizzie's eyes on you watching you as if you would just disappear right in front of her. Suddenly she paused the movie which made you look at her with a questioning look which quickly turned into one of worry as she looked like she was about to cry again. "Y/N I need you to promise that you will hold my hand whenever I get scared." Lizzie muttered as her eyes fell onto your hand on the bed.

"Yeah, okay I'll hold your hand when you're scared" you exclaimed as you reached for the remote and played the movie again. A few minutes go by before you feel Lizzie slip her hand into yours and intertwine your fingers together. A content sigh falls from her lips as you look at her with a small smile on your face, "Lizzie darling, what are you scared of right now?" You asked with slight amusement.

"I'm scared that if I let your hand go you will disappear." She expressed and all you could do was coo and pull her in for a gentle kiss on the lips. You squeezed her hand and then looked down at her as she cuddled back up to you. "I won't ever disappear on you my love, I promise." You say as you kiss the top of her head and begin to watch the movie again until you both fall asleep.

AND: so I have decided that I will be updating every Friday! Also part 3 of Local bar is coming. Thank you all for liking that story line so much, it is one of my favorites. Anyways I love you all have a good day! <3

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