Chapter 8: Misunderstood

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"Kylie, I know what you are trying to say, but please, hear me out right now... I don't know what to say to him, if we see each other again. I just don't know if I could ask him directly. It would feel really weird and I just felt like I was betrayed. It's like he just played with my feelings when all I did was just be sincere. "

Kylie looked at me with that concerned look on her face. "Look—"

The bell suddenly rang and Ms. Jenkins already went inside the classroom together with some of our classmates.

"Elly, we'll talk about this later okay?"

I nodded then I went to my seat on the first row...

All throughout the class I was not able to keep my focus because all I think about was the conversation of those two gossip girls talking about me. I just want the ground to swallow me alive so that I won't face the people involved anymore.

"Elly. Hello? Could you help us find the y on this equation? Or better yet...tell us what you're thinking. It seems like you're not listening to me right now."

Ms. Jenkins tried to get my attention in class and some of my classmates were laughing. It felt like all eyes were on me. I can't help but feel the heat on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Ms. Jenkins"

"Its okay, Elly, just try to focus and not space out"

So after that, I tried my best to really focus in class and answered some of the equations.


After class, Kylie and I went to our favorite café just to cheer ourselves up after a long and stressful day. We sat there and talk about some other stuffs and we went back to the topic that bothered me the most.

"You're still thinking about that incident during math class, right? You're so distracted, I'm worried that if you continue being like this it will definitely pull down your grades. You have to face this. Talk to him and do yourself a favor. It's not about him's about you getting affected and I don't like you spacing out just like what you did a while ago."

"I know you're concerned about me but I just want to think things through before I do something"

"But please don't think about it too much... It will just confuse you more"

I just looked at her and pursed my lips...I just don't know if I could really talk to him to really clear things up and I also want to know if I really just misunderstood those things that I heard from others and if all they said were just lies.

"Elly, just do it. You didn't do anything wrong. You're just at the wrong place and at the wrong time to hear those things that has no basis. I think I should talk to those girls too... Do I know them?"

"No, Kylie. Please I don't want to make it look like it's such a big deal. Those girls might think that there is really something going on between us... and I don't want them to get the wrong idea at all and make them spread rumors."

"Okay, okay just relax. I'm doing my best to try and help you."

"Thanks Kylie. What would I do without you? A best friend with a good head on her shoulders, what more could I ask for? Just you, listening to me whine about this right now is already helping."

We just laughed about it and I felt really good just being with my best friend...

Just for a moment, I tried to forget the hurt and the feeling of being wronged by the person whom I thought would never do that to me...


"Oh, you're home already... Someone has been waiting for you."

Mom told me right after she opened the door.

I suddenly had this feeling that I know who's waiting for me...

He's there, sitting on our couch...

I looked at Mom and I pulled her to the kitchen

"Mom? Why did you let him in? "

"I thought he's your friend. I let him in because he wants to talk to you... besides he's around the neighborhood so I don't see him as a stranger at all"

"Mom! You don't understand... you could have warned me that he's here."

"Warned? What happened? What's going on? You didn't tell me about it... You know what just talk to him. Whatever it is I think he's sincere... He's been waiting here for three hours outside, if I hadn't went outside..I wouldn't have known that he's been waiting there. He didn't even rang the doorbell."


I was dumbfounded I never thought he could be like that...

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