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Author's Note:

Thank you for your support and your enthusiasm on this story of mine. i really love your patience because you're not pressuring me to update immediately. I hope that you'll continue reading this until the very last chapter ....

Lots of love,

MG 💕

After these dashes( it's your choice to read this or not)- - -

Year 2014 and year 2015 has been a roller coaster ride for me.

I've experienced a loss that is so devastating for our family... My mom passed away just the day before my Dad's birthday on Dec. 31, 2014...  and that is truly the most HEARTBREAKING thing that would ever happen to me.... I won't wish it on anyone. At the age of 19, I have lost someone so dear and so precious to me. I'm sharing this to you because I want you to see the real me and what I'm going through. I'm not asking for anyone's pity or anyone's attention or to get more reader's just because of this.

I miss her so much, and I guess it will never go away. I want to remember our happy moments and not the part where she suffered a lot.

There are times when I just want to hug her but then I will suddenly remember that she's not there anymore...

In my heart and in my memory she will always be alive.



 In memory of

Josefina Gracia P. Guzman

April 6, 1964 - December 30, 2014


>>>>> continue to Chapter 9 >>>>>>>>>

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