Chapter 7: The Truth.

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"She was a smart girl, until she fell in love..." ~anonymous


I woke up the next day with a big smile plastered on my face... because the first thing I read this morning was Carlo's text message:

Good morning, Elly :)

I was humming while fixing my bed
and I was actually singing while taking a bath and I even cooked breakfast, which is a very rare event by the way.

"My, my, my, what do we have here? Elly's cookin' breakfast for us. What has gotten into you, my dear Elly, are you sick?"

Mom's teasing me...She put her hand on my forehead then act as if she's checking my temperature..
and Janina's enjoying every second of it

"Elly has a boyfriend. Elly has a boyfriend. Elly has a boyfriend. Elly has a boyfriend. Elly has a--"

"Stop it, Janie. or you will never see your dolls ever again"

"Sorry!" and then she rushed to her room
My little sister is so dead when I catch her...

So far my mood is still great.
Sigh. I love mornings

And so I went to school, and was definitely in a good mood. Greeting everyone and waving at them. I was in cloud nine...
I never knew Monday would be this good...


Carlo Humphrey

Infatuation? Admiration? Love?
I still couldn't figure it out yet
but one thing's for sure, I can't get him out of my mind...

I went to the gym locker room to prepare for my PE class.

Why does it have to be like this? It's so cold in the morning, yet my PE class is for swimming lessons.
Oh well, I won't let it ruin my mood

I opened my locker and I heard two girls whispering...

"Are you really sure about that?"
"Yeah, I heard that the varsity team had a bet with Carlo that Elly from
Class-1A will make her fall in love with him, and he will leave her as soon as it happens. if he lose the bet he promised that he will quit the varsity team, make sure that you won't say a word about this. I just heard it from his ex-girlfriend."
"What? Why Elly?"
"I'm not sure, but just keep it a secret okay?"
"Sure, I just don't understand why he has to do that to Elly--"
I turn away from them and cover my ears in my attempt to block their voices
I was shocked by what I've heard, because yesterday he seemed like different person, he's more like his old self...

My mood dropped and i felt betrayed and at the same time... crushed and it's as if i was slapped in the face... A girl like me should not get her hopes too high that someone could be true to her and be sincere with her..because a girl like me will always get hurt in the end, and will always be the one who's fooled and I'm the one foolish enough to believe that Carlo had changed and stupid enough to give someone like him a chance...

I didn't notice that my tears had fallen down my cheeks...I wiped them away. I put my things in my locker and put out my swimsuit. I slammed the locker and the girls who were gossiping, jumped from their seats and were shocked to see that I heard what they were talking about. I don't know what to do. I just stared at them with a blank expression on my face and turned away quickly to prevent them from seeing me cry.

Am I that gullible to believe in everything he had said? Yesterday, we were so close, as if we're back to being friends again...but look what it did to me?

I attended my PE class despite of what happened and i continued my day as if I'm okay. I didn't know those two girls but I know they were from another section, so I am relieved that they were not my PE classmates. My PE class was over and most of the students went to change clothes but I still continued to practice swimming and used up my vacant time to clear my mind. When I went up the poolside I saw Carlo in front of me, with a towel in his hand and his other hand extended for me to reach out.
"Here, you might want some help." He smiled at me, waiting for me to hold his hand so that i can get out of the swimming pool.

I just looked at him and held the metal bar on the other side. I took the towel from his hand and wrapped myself in it to act as my shield and my dryer.

I said thanks and I walked past him...

"Hey! Elly wait up! I thought we will not act as strangers anymore"

I stopped on my tracks. He caught up with me then touched my arm

I pulled away "That's what I thought too.."

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? I thought we're okay already?"

"That's what I thought also..."
"Elly, what happened? Tell me?"
"Please I just want to be alone right now, so please just let me go"
And then I walked away, he didn't follow me this time...

I went inside the shower and just let that water flow, letting it wash away my tears and the chlorine from the pool.

I changed into my dry clothes then I went to my next class.

I went inside the classroom and I realized that I was a bit early. Good thing Kylie is an early bird compared to me. I already saw Kylie in her seat searching for something in her purse. I called her name and she looked up at me and smiled, I walked towards her and hugged her tight she hugged back too.

"Is everything alright?"

I told her everything that happened earlier...

"Shouldn't you ask his side about this? I mean you only heard two girls gossiping about you and Carlo and you actually believed them. Isn't it unfair to your rediscovered friendship to just be ruined by rumors?" Kylie said to me with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes, I know that, but I still felt betrayed. What if it's true? What if everything they said is the truth?"

"Are you gonna settle for 'what ifs'? Why not find out the truth from the person involved? Why not ask him?"

"It's because I'm scared. I'm scared to know the truth."

"But if it's the only way to clear things up between the two of you, then why not? Why not try to be brave and do the right thing?"

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