Chapter 4: Sparks fly

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Chapter 4: SPARKS FLY

Dear diary,

Days have passed...

Even one hello from him is not possible because ever since the day we argue he just looked at me with an expression I can't read whenever we see each other...

why is he still on my mind?

i thought i am at the point where i can just let it go and forget about the feelings i have for him

I know it's my fault that I lost my temper

and that i can never take back the words that i have said

I think I should just go and apologize to him

It's bothering me..

I'm over thinking again....


My locker wouldn't open I've tried turning the knob but it still wouldn't budge

"Hey. Let me help you."

I turned my head at the direction of the voice and saw Carlo...

and then he smiled, his dimples showing. Then tried opening the locker for me..

What is this? He got all friendly and kind after I had the guts to chat him on Facebook.

This is the conversation we had:

Me: Hey, I just want to apologize to what I've said to you last time... I think it's my fault I should have not said those words to you

Carlo: I'm sorry too. For being such a jerk and letting you work on my research draft...I should have not done that.

Me:  Yeah, it was also my fault that I accepted it. So I guess we're okay now? No hard feelings?

Carlo: No hard feelings. And I'll prove it.

Me: Prove what?

Carlo: That I'm not what you think I am and I'm worth it.

Me: Worth it? For what?

Carlo: You'll see.

Me: I don't get you..What is it really?

Carlo: Don't ask. Just sleep, it's already late

----end of conversation---

So now you know...

I swallowed my pride because of Kyla's frequent reminder that I should be the one to apologize and not him.She also told me that it was really my fault. She didn't have to say that because I already know.

what is it that he wants to prove? and worth it for what?

Is it because...


I should stop overanalyzing everything...

"Elly, hello?"

He's waving his hand in front of my face as he try to catch my attention

"Are you done staring at me?" He said, looking amused..."Your locker's already open"

"Oh, okay thanks." I said as I try to hide my burning cheeks.

"You're welcome." then he smiled with his lovable green eyes

and as our eyes met, sparks fly and this time I saw in his eyes that he felt it

or is it just the product of my imagination again?

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