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Nea: "Oh hell nah, I ain't fightin' with you. You're a damn stick, your posture is like a shrimp, your arms are like spaghetti noodles, and your thicc ass is probably the only thing keeping you down on the ground."

Vector got red in the face, and red on the neck, and his whole body followed after. Looked like a tomato. If Nea took a bite out of his arm it would taste like spaghetti and meatballs. Then she got an idea.

Nea: "Why'd you get a bowlcut if there's nothing to fill the bowl with? D'you get the glasses just to look smarter than you actually are? That's homophobic."

Vector: "I've got something homophobic for you!" He scrunched his face and with the deepest voice he could find said; "I hAtE - GAY PeOpLe."

He exploded into spaghetti and meatballs.

The shockwave sent Nea into space and on the way back to earth. She knew exactly where to land. She had to get revenge on Kevin for kicking her into oblivion, so she aimed for his house.

This impact wasn't quite as hard as the one on the moon but the entire house was blown away, and a tornado formed which threw his house all the way into the sea. After the debris settled she looked around her and noticed she was sitting on something or someone, and another person was running towards her. It was Kevin running. His weird-ass footwork made him look like an alien from planet Roblox.

Kevin: "NooOoooOooooOoooo. What the hIEck happened?!"

Then Nea remembered she was sitting on something and lifted her thicc ass to reveal your mom, lying dead on the floor. She'd been suffocated by Nea's huge badonkadonk. 

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