Cream ;)

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Nea: "That was really cool, I had no idea you would kill someone just because they were mean to me. Are you a psychopath or are you just really fucking weird?"

Nea smiled brightly at slenderdude who kept his stone face.

Kevin: "I'm just really fucking weird. Want an ice cream cone?" He pulled out an ice cream cone from nowhere again and handed it to Nea. She blushed and was going to question how the hell the cone had not melted but brushed it off. You shouldn't question a god.

Nea: "Soo... about your house?"

Kevin: "It's fine maaan. It's already fixed dude."

It didn't even seem weird that Kevin's house was just like before without any sign of it being broken, the godly powers were getting normal.

Kevin: "Would you like to come in? We've got more ice cream inside."

Nea: "Well, I'll come in if you have more than just ice cream."

Kevin: "You bet I have, you should see my room."

They both entered the house and Nea was smacked in the face so hard by the sight that she stumbled backwards right into Kevin. He grabbed her and took her into an embrace while gazing down to meet Nea's eyes. She was turning into a tomato and was getting scared that she might also explode into spaghetti and meatballs. Therefore she awkwardly shuffled out of his grip.

As she looked around again she was astounded. 

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