Choo Choo

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Kevin: "Chill out, maaan. She didn't do anything wrong."

Thomas Detrein: "SHE KILLED YOUR MUM."

Kevin: "You think I give a shit?"

Thomas Detrein: "Not raeally. You daouwnt ceeere aboot anythang other than yoself."

Kevin: "Well shit you right but I'm still gonna be mad about it because that is the only way I can convince myself that the things you're saying are not true. Let me just-"

Suddenly a train track appeared out of thin air. Kevin grabbed Thomas' collar and single-handedly threw him onto the track. He pulled some handcuffs out of nowhere and connected Thomas to the track underneath him. Thomas looked up, shocked that his best friend would do this to him. A train whistle rang out and echoed through the landscape. Thomas saw what was coming towards him but he couldn't do anything about it. He just had to accept his fate.

The scariest thing in the entire universe was going full speed down the tracks. This is the thing of nightmares, a blue train with red details and a realistic gray face on it.


Kevin: "See you in hell, Thomas the Train."

The train hit him, spraying blood everywhere. Nea was stunned, this man was not only strong as hell but he was also coldblooded and in some way he could make reality bend itself. The track disappeared after the train went out of sight and it took Thomas' body with it.

Nea: "Marry me, daddy."

Kevin: "What"

Nea: "What"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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