Part 4

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It has been over four weeks since school started and the buzz around the great hall is all about Halloween approaching in a little over a week. Sienna sits down at the Ravenclaw table when Lion excitedly announces where the annual Halloween party at Hogwarts is to take place.

"I've heard its Slytherin who's hosting it again this year, can you imagine how sick that would be? I mean they do host the best parties and last year was supposedly epic!" "I mean don't they almost always have the Halloween party? Just like Gryffindor does the one right before Christmas and we do the new year's one?" Mareave interrupts.

"Oh spoil all the fun will you! Guys this our first big party at Hogwarts with us finally being sixth years and that. I need costume ideas ASAP. And we should definitely stick to a theme." "Uh no, sorry but I am not showing up in some weird star wars outfit just to match with you, forget it" Sienna says laughing at Lion's disappointed face.

"Got to agree with you S, let's just wing it, it's not that big of a deal what you wear anyway." Rina says taking a bite of her apple as she stands up from the table ready to head to class. The rest of the group follows and Sienna heads to potions alone.

She takes her usual seat next to Regulus. "Hi" she announces and without a response back she opens her book trying to concentrate on Slughorns not so very interesting lesson. She can't seem to shake the feeling of somethings off while looking over at her potions partner every now and then.

Slughorn presents the potion the class is about to brew as partners and Sienna takes the opportunity to figure out what's off. "So, you haven't said a word all morning, what's got your wand in a knot?" She laughs trying to meet his gaze. "Nothing, just not a morning person I suppose." "Aaaand you expect me to believe that? Come on I need you on your top game I can't possibly brew this on my own!"

"What ever made you so chatty? You're normally the quiet one" "A good party on my horizon I suppose, your going right?" Sienna asks as she puts all the ingredients on the table in front of them. "We're hosting it of course I am going" "Then why would you be upset? Just thinking of booze should get you in the mood" "Ha! I guess your right Steele" Regulus replies as he shoots one of his infamous smirks at the girl in front of him.

As they exited the class Sienna takes a hold of Regulus's hand and drags him out of the school grounds and under a huge tree near the forest. "What on earth are you doing?" He looks down at the blonde girl confused. Sienna takes out a package of cigarettes and hands him one. "Don't tell me you don't smoke?"

He takes the cigarette out of her hand and laughs at her. "You are full of surprises you know that?" "See? I knew this would make you in a better mood" she says happily as she lights her fag with her wand and Regulus does the same. "Won't we get in trouble for skipping?" "Oh who cares, this is much needed after an hour listening to that old man Slughorn." "Indeed"

"So tell me how long have this 'good girl' been doing things she shouldn't?" "Oh so because I'm in ravenclaw I can't keep my slytherin trades?" "I mean does any of your blue friends smoke? Or better yet know that you smoke?" Sienna looked down at her feet before meeting his gaze. "Okay fine so they might not indulge in activities like these but whatever, it's not like I am the only one in ravenclaw who smokes."

"What other things do you do that your friends don't know about?" "I guess you'll have to figure that out" Sienna says as she throws away the last bit of the cigarette and lays down next to regulus which is sitting down leaning his back on the huge three. "You can't bring other people here by the way, it's private. A place to run away and think when life feels crowded or complicated." Regulus looks over at the laying figure next to him and smiles. They lay like that for a while in a comfortable silence before heading back to the building.

Sienna arrives to the great hall for dinner a little late and sits down with her friends. "Well, see who decided to show up, where the hell did you disappear to second period? I had transfiguration alone, you know how I do in that class! I need you." Rina expressed desperately. "Sorry I wasn't feeling that well" she says as she looks at her friends faces trying to figure out if they bought it or not. "Oh well just don't leave me like that again, I literally don't understand that class at all!"

The group laughs and Sienna feels relived keeping her smoking and her new friendship a secret. She looks over to the Slytherin table and can't seem to locate Regulus but is able to catch the attention of Nathanial Vanity instead. He smirks when he catches her attention and as a reaction Sienna blushes and looks away.

Nathanial Vanity is from one of the most powerful pureblood families just as Regulus and herself. Their families are really close and if it would be up to her parents they would already be engaged to one another. The thought makes her sick and as she tries to change her attention to something else Mareve interrupts her.

"Sienna, what do you say we dress up as angels for the Halloween party?" "Isn't that a little cliche? I mean I don't really care but we could do better, right?" Sienna says. "Well I want to be an angel and Rina and Amali will be demos, don't leave me hanging!" "Fine, I guess I'll do it for you" "thanks boo"

The group retreats to the common room while Sienna heads out for a secret smoke in her spot. When she nears she sees the figure of someone and when she gets a little closer she identifies this figure as Regulus. "What are you doing here" she asks a little surprised to see anyone in her spot. "Needed a smoke, this spot is actually perfect for that you know."

"I know, that's why it's mine. Where were you by the way? I didn't see you at supper." "Did you miss me?" "No. I am just wondering." "Just had something I needed to do, what about you, why are you out here smoking while your friends are probably waiting for you" "they are not waiting, and I needed a fag, can you blame me?" "Of course not"

He looks over at Sienna and when she looks away he smiles a small but satisfied smile. He feels something warm and soothing in his heart, something he haven't felt in a long time.

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