Part 6

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Sienna wakes up with a banging headache as she looks around the room she is in. This is definitely not her room she thinks to herself as she tries to remember where she is and why. "Are you okay?" "Shit! You scared me! Wait what the heck are you doing here Reg?" "You don't remember huh?"

"Wait we didn't... we didn't do that right?" Regulus starts laughing before catching the serious expression on Sienna's face. "Sorry, uh no we didn't do anything. You were really shit faced so I brought you up here because I have a private bathroom for you to be sick in. And then you kinda fell asleep on the toilet so I put you to bed for you to be a bit more comfortable. I hope that's okay."

"Oh, well thank you. I should probably go though." Sienna gets up from the bed ready to leave before Regulus stops her. "Wait, if you want to take a shower or borrow some clothes that wouldn't be a problem." The blond girl looks at him a bit confused before she looks down on her outfit realising it's sick and alcohol stains all over it.

"Yeah thank you, if you're sure it's okay?" She looks down a bit embarrassed. "Of course, just take a shower and I'll find some clothes for you." She walks over to the bathroom and showers away the previous night. She then gets in to the borrowed clothes and leaves heading to the Ravenclaw tower.

When she enters her room she finds her three roommates in deep conversation on Amali's bed. "Look at you! What did you do last night?" Mareve asks playfully. "Yeah who's clothes are that on you?" Rina follows. "Looks like Mareve wasn't the only lucky one last night" Amali laughs while looking at the two girls with the biggest grin.

Mareve rolls her eyes as she continues "So, are you gonna tell us?" "Nothing happened I was just drunk and lucky someone helped me. Now I want to hear what happened to you last night." She answers cheeky. "Okay well... there was this girl last night, a huffelpuff of course, you know my type, and we kiiiinda hit it off." "And with hitting it off she means hooked up!" Rina teases.

The girls continue talking about the night before joining the boys in Alecco's room listening to each other about their eventful first big party together.

The weekend has come to an end and the Halloween buzz is over. The group is seated in the great hall listening to Dombledoor's speech about alcohol and tobacco on school grounds. No one is really paying attention as all you can really hear is people gossiping on and on about the Halloween party.

On the way to potions Sienna catches an angry glare from Nathanial Vanity and as she gets a good look at him she notices a huge bruise on his face. Lost in thoughts trying to figure out what she is seeing Evan Rosier throws his arm over her shoulder bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Don't worry he deserved it, trust me." Evan says as he takes a bite of an apple he have in his other hand while the two starts walking. "What do you mean? Did you do it?" She asks confused. "Wait you don't remember anything?" "Well of course I do but maybe not a lot after twelve ish.." Evan laughs at her statement. "Well don't worry, you behaved like a queen all night."

"I don't really know what that means but thank you I guess?" "No problem. You heading to potions right?" "Yeah unfortunately" she replies while rolling her eyes. "You know, because of you I will probably fail this class, Regulus always saves my grade but now I'm stuck with Zabini" Evan expresses frustrated. "What do you mean? You were the one taking a seat next to him, you could've just sat down with Reg instead."

Evan smirks, almost laughs at the blond girl to his side. "You know for a Ravenclaw I thought you wound have understood this quicker." He says as they arrive in front of the classroom leaving her to take his seat next to Zabini. Sienna is stood still in the doorway looking over at her seat and then at Regulus who meets her with a warm smile.

Her confused thoughts are interrupted as Slughorn calls her name a second time. "Miss Steele please take your seat, we are waiting." She quickly walks over to her table and takes her seat next to Regulus.

"Feeling better?" He asks her as she sits down. "I guess you could say that. Sorry by the way for the other day and thank you again for helping me." Sienna replies embarrassed. "Anytime." Regulus replies looking over at her with a small curve on his lips.

As the class finishes Sienna rushes out and hides behind the door and as Evan exits the room she crabs his robe and brings him to an empty hallway near by. "What did you mean earlier? What should I have understood quicker?" She bursts out in a rush as she was holding it for a long time. "Well what do you think? Reg wanted to be your partner so he begged me to sit with Zabini, that way the only free spot would be next to him."

"But he never talked to me before now? Before after we became partners, why would he do that deliberately?" "Why don't you ask him? I don't know, I mean by the looks of it this weekend I'd say he fancy's you." "But I don't understand.." "well I don't know what to tell you, if you want answers ask him, I have to go to class."

With that Evan leaves and Sienna is left in the hallway alone. Her head is spinning and in need of a release so she heads to her spot for a much needed cigarette. As she sits down bringing the cigarette up to her mouth a voice catches her off guard. "Miss Steele, what on earth are you doing?" She turns her head towards the sound and looks professor Mcgonagall right in the eyes.

The cigarette drops from her mouth in shock as she catches the glimpse of her whole class behind the professor. Including Rina who by the looks of it is very angry. "You are coming with me straight away miss." Mcgonagall says as she drags the girl to professor Flitwick's office.

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