Part 7

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After receiving detention for a month from professor Flitwick as punishment Sienna headed towards her third period, defence against the dark arts. Outside the classroom waiting for the professor to arrive stood Rina, Merave and Alecco. The blond girl headed towards her friends with a nervous smile.

"Hi" she announces. Rina looks at her angrily as she begins to speak. "You left me again you idiot! We had to do spells this time and I didn't understand anything! I thought you said it wouldn't happen again?" Sienna looks at her friend confused. "That's what your angry about?" She smiles relieved.

"Of course? What else would I be angry for? Oh and I hope they punished you badly for the smoking! You daft idiot, everyone knows the astronomy tower is a lot better for not getting caught!" Sienna looks at her and the whole group starts laughing. Relived her friends don't mind her smoking and relived she could be honest with them about it.

As they walk in to the class room she sees Regulus from across the room and smiles at him. But instead of replicating the smile he looks away from her ignoring her action. This muddled the girl but she tried to ignore the thought as the class began.

It is the next day and Sienna is headed towards the dungeons for her potions class. She takes her seat and a little later Regulus arrives next to her. "Hi, are you ready for another boring potions lesson with mr boring himself?" She laughs at her own statement, and as it turns out she is the only one laughing as she looks at Regulus's stern face.

"Hey what's up? Are you okay?" She asks concerned. "Never been better." "Okaaay? I can definitely tell there is something wrong, what's up with you today?" "Nothing." "Fine don't tell me, but talk to someone, even Evan if you must." "Why don't you talk to him? Seems like you have a lot to talk about anyway." "What is that supposed to mean?"

"QUITE! Miss Steele, why do you alway find a way to interrupt my classes? Not entertaining enough for you? Well maybe detention would be!" "I already have a month of that but sure" she says to herself quietly as Sloghorn sends her a stern look filled with disappointment.

She looks over at an angry Regulus and then at a confused Evan on the other side of the room before focusing on the takes ahead. As the lesson finishes she rushes out of the room continuing her day of lectures before dinner and detention. As the group head towards the great hall for supper, Sienna spots Evan and Regulus arguing.

"I am so hungry, finally some food to get!" Lion practically screams as food appears in from of them. "Wow, what made you so eager today?" Amali asks. "Quidditch, we have a game tomorrow against Slytherin and Lion here is starting as seeker because Aron is sick at the moment." Alecco replies. "Wow that's huge! Congratulations Lion, can't wait to see you in action and win over those blood suckers, sorry girls." Merave says excitedly.

"None taken." Sienna and Amali replies at the same time. "Are you playing too Alecco?" Rina asks while taking a huge bite of a piece of bread. "No I have decided Lillian should start instead of me, it's our first game and to be honest, she is a bit better than me." "No way, your the captain for a reason!" Sienna shouts. "Well it's true! We need to win this and as the captain I need to put our teams best interest in front of my own." He replies.

"Spoken as a true captain." Mareve takes her arm around his shoulder proudly. The group continues to eat before the girls head back to their room to study and the boys go back to the quidditch pitch to practice.

"You know the girl I talked about the other day?" Merave begins. "Yeah?" The girls reply simultaneously. "Well... she asked me out! We are going to Hogsmade this Saturday." "Oh my good that's great!" Sienna replies. "What are you going to wear?!?" Rina screams in frustration. "Please let me dress you please let me dress you!!" The blond girl laughs over her friend's silly behaviour and Mareve nods.

It's the day of the quidditch match which is all everybody has talking about. Heading to potions Sienna's head is still in deep thought about Regulus and why he acted so strange, jealous almost.

The girl sits down on her seat waiting for the class to begin as Regulus takes his seat next to her. She looks over at him and sees the same stern look from yesterday planted on his face. She takes a deep breath and looks over at Evan, without talking she mouths him the words 'what's up with him?', Evan mouths back 'talk to him after class' and with that she nods.

When the lesson finishes Sienna takes a hold of Regulus's arm and drags him to a private hallway. "Brining me to your hook up spot Steele?" Regulus says out of the blue. "Okay, what is up with you recently?" "With me? What is up with you? Your the one dragging people to private places." Regulus pouts.

"What are you- oh wait? Hahahha, no way, did you think-? Wait do you think I hooked up with Evan or something?" "Well you tell me! I saw you two, and-" "And we didn't hook up? Why do you care anyways!" "I don't!" "Right, you don't care, just like you didn't care about who you would sit with in potions but always ended up sitting alone with the only available spot to be right next to you when literally all your friends are in that class."

"Fuck it" He says as he reaches out with his hands to bring Sienna closer to him and smashes his lips on hers gently and with passion. The blond replicates the kiss and starts exploring his hair again just like that night at Halloween. Regulus brings his hands down her thighs and takes a grip around it to lift it up to his side.

He moves her cloak to the side to touch her bare skin  right under the end of her uniform skirt. Teasing her with his hand as he guides it closer to the end of her skirt and brings his mouth down to her neck forcing her to release a small but pleasurable moan. He then takes a hold of her face with his free hand and kisses her on the lips again. Regulus then stops his action before opening his mouth again, and in a stern and serious tone he says, "I don't want to share you."

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