Part 3

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First week of school had gone by very quickly as Sienna thought to herself what exactly happened that day before and after Potions class. As she was still trying to figure it out she just couldn't understand what was so important about this book. As she remembered it, it was just a plain black book, what was so special about it? And when the second voice mentioned "'when he kills your family"' , who did that voice refer to as "he"? It couldn't be him could it?

It was time for another week of school and the girls were getting ready for their long day of classes. They then headed down to the great hall ready to have breakfast. As they sat down Sienna overheard the familiar voice of Regulus Black. She figured that if she wanted to know who the second voice was or even what they were talking about she had to keep an eye or ear on him as often as she could. She then decided to lean her head back a little to eavesdrop on his conversation, however, all they talked about was Quidditch, professor Slughorn and who they wanted to have sex with next.

As they were all done with their breakfast they headed out of the great hall heading to class. Walking towards the entrance Sienna sensed a hand around her arm as she was dragged further away from the crowd and pushed into a wall in a quiet hallway. Her hand hold over her head with a firm grip and only a few inches away from Regulus Black.

"Eavesdropping are we?" "W-what?" She answered shocked and almost out of breath. Her checks started boiling feeling the heat between them as his ice cold blue eyes met hers. "No one ever taught you it was rude to eavesdrop Steele?" He said as he sent her a cheeky smile knowing exactly the effect he had on her body. He didn't let go of her arms as the two of them where standing there for what seemed like an eternity, both breathing heavily and not breaking eye contact.

When Sienna finally realised what was going on she snapped back to reality fuming that someone could have this effect on her without her permission. "Get off me Black!" Sienna shouted at him. He stepped back from her only a few inches before he said "Don't let it repeat itself or I might have to actually punish you, do understand Steele?" He winked at her before turning away. Although he had already left, Sienna didn't move her feet for another minute trying to understand what just had happened.

She headed back to class as soon as she could knowing very well she would be late. "Glad you could join us Miss Steele, please take a seat" professor Slurp burst out before she continued the class. Embarrassed she headed over to her friends taking a seat next to Merave as she was trying to forget what just happened in the hallway and was now trying to focus on the what the professor were saying.

As the day was going by quickly it was time for her last lesson; Potions. Heading down to the dungeons she remembered what happened there just a week ago in the hallways. She thought, because the conversation took place straight after class, the second voice had to be in the same potions class as her, or he would have to be a Slytherin coming from their common room.

Sienna walked into the classroom that was already filled up with students trying to locate a vacant spot to sit down. As she looked around she noticed the only available seat was next to the person she would like to sit the furthest away from after everything that had happened. As she sat down she tried to ignore the grinning smile he was sending her by looking straight forward to professor Slughorn.

"Ignoring me are we?" Regulus said turning his chair to face her directly which made it impossible for her to continue ignoring him. She turned to face him suddenly feeling a little to brave for her own good. "What do want now? Are going to tell me I need to block my ears so I can't hear you talk to yourself about quidditch?" "So you did hear our conversation this morning?" Black replied smiling and a little to happy with himself.

As she realised she just admitted to the eavesdropping she looked at him up and down briefly before replying "Don't get to happy with your self, what else do you Slytherin boys talk about than Quidditch and who you hook up with? It was an easy guess" She turned away happy with the response as Regulus seemed to believe her.

The attention goes to professor Slughorn as he raised his voice to announce: "I've been letting you choose where and who you've been sitting with last week hopefully you've all made good choices because who you're sitting next to this lesson will be your partner for the rest of the year so make sure you get aquatinted with each other if your not already." Siennas face turned red as she realised she now have to spend at least one hour every day with him for the rest of the year.

"Well I guess I'm stuck with you then" Regulus said almost sounding a little annoyed. "Well you could have taken a seat next to one of your friends like you do in all the other classes! Why are you always sitting alone in potions anyway? All your friends are in this class!" Sienna burst out before realising she said it out loud. She pulled her hand up to her mouth trying to cover her embarrassment. "I guess I was waiting for someone better" he replied looking into her eyes as they smiled to each other before he looked away saying "I need a better grade in this class and you have straight O's so that sounds better to me".
Shocked and a little angry she looked away ignoring him for the rest of the class.

"Well I'm off to the library as some of us actually care for our grades" Alecco comments looking over at Rina who just got her results from Herbology class almost failing. " I can't believe you're a Ravenclaw" Ameli said looking in her direction. "Well Ravenclaws are a lot more then just their grades Ameli" Sienna says rolling her eyes at her. "Well the only reason why I'm a Ravenclaw is because I'm too smart to be a Slytherin" the group look around at each other trying to ignore what she just said. "I'll come with you to the library Alecco, let's go?" "Sure Sienna".

"Can you believe her? She's getting on my nerves and I honestly don't know if I can take it any more!" Sienna sights with frustration. "Well you know she's only trying to convince herself that that's why she's not in the same house as the rest of her family. Surely you understand, don't you?" Alecco replied. Well sure, she did understand it was hard but in the end it's just a house. Sure her family were quite particular with that kind of stuff but to be honest they probably wouldn't treat her that differently if she was a Slytherin.

As they arrived at the library the both of them sat down in silence trying to focus on their studying as they had done many times before.

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