Part 2

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The sun rised peaking trough the windows of Siennas dorm at 7.30 in the morning. Her alarm went off causing both Ameli and Rina to wake up as well . "Where is Merave?" Sienna asked just as she walked through the door in only a towel. "I showered, just like the rest of you should, you smell" she answered smiling at Siennas messy blond hair.

"Okay I take the hint Merave, ready to hit the showers Rina?" Sienna said looking over at Rinas bed. "Five more minutes PLEASE!" She yells back. "I'll come with you" Ameli answered looking straight into Siennas eyes, a little terrified she nodes and they both head for the girls bathroom down the corridor.

As they returned the the dorm Sienna put some light natural makeup on before brushing and drying her hair at the wip of her wand. Happy with the results the four girls head towards the great hall ready for breakfast. Sienna catches the attention of Lion and Alecco further up the table and the girls walk over to sit with them.

"I see someone put in some effort today girls, we'll not you Rina, it looks like you just woke up" Lion teases as they all take a seat by his sides. "Shut up" Rina replies. "Well at least she remembered her whole uniform. Where is your tie?" Sienna interrogates him while looking straight into his eyes. "Well... it may be in the girls dorm somewhere, who know really." Lion replies casually. They all laugh before digging in on the delicious food before them.

"Timetables" Professor Flitwick and head of Ravenclaw house says handing them their papers. "What do you have first S?" Rina asks. "Well, first I have Defence Against The Dark Arts, then Divination, then Care of magical creatures, then Charms and lastly Potions. What about you?" "Well same as you expect potions, I can't believe you take that class! It's sooooo boring!" She said over-dramatically as the group agreed with her. "Well I always get straight O's so I guess it's just an easy grade" Sienna answered shrugging her shoulders before the bell went off.

Heading towards Defensive Against The Dark Arts class with Rina, Alecco and Merave Siennas eyes met with a familiar face. Her cheeks turned red before she turned around facing her friends who took notice of Siennas embarrassment. "What's going on S?" Alecco asked. "Yeah, what is going on, S?" She heard a familiar voice say as she knew exactly who's it was.

"What do you want Black?" She turned facing him with her eyebrows raised. "To talk. Come, now" he answered demandingly grabbing her arm tightly and away from the others. "Ow! What is your problem?!" She yelled at him again. He looked into her eyes while trying to use a forgetting spell referring to the moment on the train where his coffee went all over her. A shocked Sienna pretends that it worked before being instructed by Regulus to return to her friends not to remember what just happened now and on the train.

Walking into class she began to wonder why he would try to erase her memory of that incident. Sure it wasn't very pleasurable but it didn't make any sense to why he would care enough to go through the efforts of trying to erase it. Was there anything she missed? Something she should have paid attention to?

The school day was almost over as Sienna was heading towards the dungeons for her last class of the day; Potions. As none of her friends were taking the class with her she walked over to the classroom alone. Waiting outside for Professor Slughorn to arrive she looked around her only to find out she was the only Ravenclaw and that there were only three Gryffindors, two Hufflepuffs and the rest of the class where all Slytherins.

"You take Potions Steele?" A voice asked playfully as she turned to face him. "Yes, and of course so do you. Why am I not surprised?" She answered rolling her eyes. "Well obviously, all pureblood Slytherins should. I suppose that's why you're here as well? Trying to impress mommy and daddy are we?" He answered back before heading towards his friends leaving her alone and angry.

Professor Slughorn arrived shortly after opening the classroom and all the students sat them selfs down quickly. Sienna went in last, lucky she found a vacant table just for her in the back of the classroom. Right before taking a seat professor Slughorn began to speak.

"Miss Steele" he began looking over in her direction with his eyebrows raised "Please do not hide in the back, take a seat next to Black or Zabini". As she looked over at the two vacant spots she catched Black smiling at her looking almost a little to happy with himself. She decided to walk close to the seat to tease him as she walked past to sit next to Grant Zabini instead.

The class began and boy was she happy when it was finally done. For the first day of school professor Slughorn really went all out with theoretical work. She had written over ten long pages of notes after that hour long lesson.

Heading back to the Ravenclaw common room to catch up with her friends Sienna heard two voices whispering around as she recognised one of them, it was Black, Regulus Black.

"Did you get it done? Did you delete her memory" the unknown voice said, "Yes, she no longer has any recollection of the book" the familiar voice replied. "That better be true Black otherwise we're in deep shit" "Relax, she could have only seen the cover anyways, it could've been anything" "Say that to him when he kills your family for it" The voices stopped and as soon as she head footsteps getting closer to her, she started running as fast as she could.

After spending some time with her friends back in the common room after classes it was time for dinner in the great hall. They all went down to the Ravenclaw table in their usual spots ready to eat. "How was Potions S?" Sienna was busy gawking at Regulus over at the Slytherin table who send her a sexy smirk signalising her attention. As soon as she realised what she was doing she shock her head back into the conversation, "huh?" She replied to Rina. "She asked how Potions class went, and by the looks of it you got yourself a new friend" Mareve answered giggly. "Uuuu" Alecco and Ameli continued due to Mareves comment. "What? No, not at all!" Sienna replied nervously.

As the other continued to talk Sienna continued looking over at the Slytherin table as she catches the attention of Dirkit Lunga, Amali's brother. As she studied his face she thought to her self, could he be the second voice from earlier?

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