Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3

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Video is my new 'wattpad Top 10 FanFictions' series - this week ThatcherJoe

End of A/N

Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3


I woke up and stretched trying my best to avoid Chris who had wrapped himself around me during the night. He was adorable when he slept with his hair covering his face, I knew he wouldn't wake easily so I parted his hair and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. My talk with PJ had put a lot of things in perspective about my relationship with Chris; I needed to confront him so that we could both move on with our lives. Whether that was together or separately then so be it.

I crawled out of Chris's arms and nearly stood on Dan's head, how had I not noticed last night how close he was to us. I tiptoed around the three sleeping bodies noticing that PJ was nowhere in sight, he must already be up. I got my answer when I stepped into the hallway and through the open kitchen door and heard the kettle boil and someone pulling stuff out of cupboards. I smiled and padded towards the kitchen, I could do with a cup of tea especially with the day I was about to have.

I leant against one of the counters near the kettle as PJ rooted around for enough mugs for the five of us, I quirked an eyebrow and smirked. He obviously hadn't heard me come into the kitchen, oh I was going to have some fun.

"For someone who drinks a lot of tea, one would think you'd have a multitude of mugs to choose from."

PJ jumped and I couldn't keep in my laughter, he turned around and glared at me but it wasn't long before he cracked a smile and joined in laughing. Between laughs he placed five mugs next to him.

"Yes, you would think I'd have cupboards full of mugs but I like to drink out of the same one. Plus they take up a lot of space; just ask Dan and Phil about their mugs."

To my side the kettle boiled, I watched as PJ dropped five tea bags into the mugs before reaching around me and grabbing the kettle. While his back was turned away from me I had one question on my mind.

"How do I confront Chris without Dan and Phil knowing and manipulating the situation?"

"Well love I was thinking the exact same thing after our early morning talk. Now I do have food for breakfast in these cupboards but I think it would be nice if you and Chris went down to the local bakery, they do really good pastries."

He turned back around and put the kettle back on its stand, I tilted my head to the side and folded my arms across my chest.

"Will it work?"

PJ nodded and his curls bounced on top of his head as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk.

"Chris is obsessed with that place, you two can talk. Maybe take the longer way back."

He poured the milk into the mugs and stirred them before putting the milk back. He then picked up a sugar pot and motioned in my direction.


I nodded.

"Yes please two."

PJ stirred the sugar into the mugs before handing one of them to me. I gratefully accepted it and blew on it to cool it down before I took a sip. PJ mirrored me and leant on the counter opposite me. I took a cautious sip and although the drink burnt the top of my mouth it was some of the best tea I'd had.

"PJ, you really are the master of great tea making."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"We all have something we're good at. Mine just happens to be the art of tea making."

Bookshop Encounters (Chris Kendall/Crabstickz) Bk 1: FF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now