Chapter Seven: Wake Up

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The video is my new Q&A

End of A/N

Chapter Seven: Wake Up


I rushed into the hospital leaving the other three to trail behind me. I ran up to the reception desk and tapped my fingers on the counter in frustration as the receptionist purposely took a phone call when she saw me approaching.

"Geesh, I need to exercise more."

Dan leant against the counter panting out of breath, Phil and PJ soon joined us at a slower pace. The receptionist put the phone down and batted her eyelashes at Dan before turning to stare at me.

"Can I help you?"

"I got a phone call that Rachel Watts had been shot on the underground and had been bought here for surgery."

The receptionist typed away at her computer, she kept glancing at Dan who ignored her and continued playing on his phone. I rolled my eyes, even in a hospital Dan could charm girls without even trying. I swear she was typing slow on purpose to draw the anticipation out.

"She's out of surgery, in room 228."

I didn't even let her finish her sentence before I was off and running towards the lift. Behind me I could make out Phil apologising for my behaviour. The girl didn't deserve an apology; I just wanted to see Rachel.

"Chris, calm down its good news that she's out of surgery. That means she's alive and that's all that matters."

I raised an eyebrow at Dan who stood next to me; he had a strange way of making light out of dark news. I smiled and hit the lift button. Phil and PJ were muttering to themselves, I decided to ask Dan if he found their actions suspicious.

"Dan, do you know why Phil and PJ have been acting strange and guilty since we got the phone call about Rachel."

Dan shrugged his shoulders and slid his phone back into his pocket, he looked back over his shoulder and scrunched up his eyebrows before turning back to face me.

"Everyone acts differently in these types of situations; maybe ask them later if they still act odd."

I nodded and stepped into the lift followed swiftly by Dan, Phil and PJ. I pressed the second floor button and we rode up in silence, a mixture of comfortable and awkward silence. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright Phil and PJ why do you look guilty? You've been like this since I got the phone call back at the flat."

"Chris, didn't I just say to ask them later. Now isn't the right time."

I ignored Dan and stepped around him as he tried to calm me down. Phil played with his fingers while PJ bit his lip. They knew something; I glared at my two best friends until the lift doors opened on the second floor. Finally PJ broke the silence.

"It's mine and Phil's fault that Rachel left and got on that tube carriage."

The four of us walked out of the lift, I was slightly confused by what PJ meant by his statement.

"You couldn't have known that she was going to get on that specific train. But why did she leave?"

Dan was asking the right questions. Suddenly Phil pointed at me before pointing at Dan as well.

"Rachel asked us why you were acting strange around her Chris since the whole Dan tickle situation."

I gulped, so I'd been pretty obvious in ignoring Rachel these last few days. Had I been jealous of Dan? He always got the girls over me.

Bookshop Encounters (Chris Kendall/Crabstickz) Bk 1: FF SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang