Chapter Nine: Amber Alert

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Chapter Nine: Amber Alert


I can't believe she's back in our lives, just when I was getting somewhere with Rachel that bitch had to say that she still loved me. She didn't love me or Dan; oh no she loved the attention that came with being called our girlfriend. Both of us should have listened to our fans when they said that she looked like trouble but Amber always had a way of manipulating us.

Rachel was handling this very well on the surface, but I knew that on the inside she was having doubts about whether our new relationship would work with Amber living across from us. I couldn't lose Rachel, I'd already nearly lost her once but now I intended to be the best boyfriend she ever had.

I needed to give the guys the news. Rachel suggested that we go over to Dan and Phil's while PJ is still there to talk over a plan of action. I didn't want Amber living anywhere near me but for now it looked like I had no choice. I wouldn't be lending her a cup of sugar anytime soon.

"Chris, hello, and I thought I was bad at zoning out."

Rachel stopped clicking her fingers in front of my face and chuckled at me. I intertwined my hand with hers as we waited for the lift which was painfully slow. We would have taken the stairs but the cane made it hard and Rachel needed to rest as much as possible.

"I love you Rachel."

I bent down and pecked her on the lips. She smiled against my lips and pulled back as the lift pinged and doors creaked open.

"Don't I know it Chris."

We got in the lift and hit the ground button but just as the doors were sliding shut someone put their hand in the gap and the doors reopened. Next to me Rachel groaned at the sight of Amber standing in front of us with a big smile on her face.

"Looks like we're sharing a lift neighbours."

She all but skipped into the lift and purposely stepped on Rachel's foot. Rachel bit her lip but Amber ignored her and focused all of her attention on me instead, I wanted the ground to swallow me up right here and now.

"So Chris how have you been?"

Was the girl who ruined my life trying to make small talk with me? I didn't want to speak to her so I turned back to Rachel who rolled her eyes and held her phone up in front of me, she had a message from Phil.

"Phil wants to know if we want pizza or Chinese."

I tapped my chin as if I was thinking my options over, Rachel snorted before giggling. In the corner of my eye I watched Amber glare at Rachel.

"I'll tell him pizza and to get us our regular."

"What did I do to deserve you Rachel?"

She shrugged  her shoulders and went back to typing away on her phone.

"Why did you move onto a cripple Chris?"

Oh hell no, Amber did not just call my girlfriend a cripple. I went to open my mouth to defend Rachel but she put up her hand to silence me.

"Excuse me Amber or whatever you skanky name is. I'm not a cripple; I was shot on the London Underground last week. And I'd appreciate it if you kept your tangoed body from rubbing against my boyfriend. None of us want you here so stay out of our business and we'll stay out of yours."

My mouth dropped at the same time as Amber's, damm Rachel was hot when she was angry. Amber was speechless which was a first. The doors pinged open and Rachel hobbled out still holding my hand, I glanced over my shoulder and laughed at Amber who was stood as still as a statue.

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