Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home


A week had passed since I was released from hospital, I was thankful because I couldn't stare at those four white walls any longer without losing my mind. I'd taken awhile to get use to walking with a cane, it hurt my hand like hell but I looked cool when I walked with it. It also helped that I binge watched House on Netflix for some cane tips. I had decided in the end to stay at Chris's because we'd all made up and the four guys took every opportunity to tell me how much they loved me.

Because I was mainly house bound I was given time off from the bookshop and that left me bored in the flat. I managed to make quite a few videos and actually updated my blog in what felt like forever, but YouTube and Netflix were starting to get on my nerves. You know there's something seriously wrong with you when you start finding the internet boring.

"Here you go my lady, one cup of tea and some biscuits on the side."

Chris placed a steaming mug of tea in front of me and on a separate plate a selection of biscuits; of course they were all my favourites because he knew me so well. Chris had been waiting on me hand and foot; it was sweet of him but totally unnecessary. I'd never been shown this much love in all my life, I was glad that Chris and I were back on speaking terms. Out of the four guys, Chris now was defiantly the one I felt closest to. Though neither of us had yet to address what was said in the hospital.

I was on pain medication after being shot and Chris thought that he was never going to see me again. Maybe we confessed because we were both scared of being alone. Chris had always been there for me, he'd let me into his home and into his close circle of friends. How had I been there for Chris? Phil said that since I moved in he hasn't seen Chris as active as he is now. Amber had knocked him down and I was somehow slowly building him back up to his former glory. Did I love Chris? That was the main question on my mind.

"Hello, earth to Rachel is anyone home?"

I glanced up and found our faces inches apart. How had this happened? Neither of us pulled away. I placed my tea on the coffee table and next thing I know Chris cups my chin and brings his lips down on my own. I gasp and he takes that as an invitation to deepen the kiss, my hands instinctively go to the back of his head so I can pull him closer.

Yes I'd been kissed before but it had never felt like this before as cliché as that sounds. Chris was gentle but in control and I knew he wouldn't force anything on me without my consent and only if I felt comfortable. To answer my earlier question, yes I think I was in love with this boy.

I moved his laptop off of his lap and straddled his waist never once breaking the kiss. With one of his hands he began running it through my hair, I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted us to stay like this forever.

"God I've wanted to kiss you since I first laid eyes on you in the bookshop."

Chris was the one to pull away and I groaned, he chuckled and pecked my cheek. It was such a tender gesture that made my heart melt. Damm Chris and his cuteness, it would eventually be the death of me.  I rested my head on his chest and he started stroking my hair.

"Rachel I don't know if this is too soon to ask but would you be my girlfriend?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight, I chuckled and shook my head god I loved this goofball. I Rachel Watts love Chris Kendall.

"Chris, the answer is yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

"Yay I have a girlfriend."

He pulled away and fist pumped the air, I play punched him in the shoulder and pouted like I was a child.

"I'm not some achievement Chris."

He rubbed his arm as I climbed off the sofa carefully as not to pop my stitches. I wasn't really angry but I could milk this as long as I kept a straight face.

"I'm sorry Rachel I didn't mean it like that. Don't pout."

He got up and walked towards me but I hobbled backwards with my cane. I made my way slowly into the kitchen, I was pretty hungry and biscuits just weren't cutting it for me.

"Rachel please say something."

I shook my head again but a smirk slipped out, I quickly covered my hand over my mouth but Chris saw me. He snapped his fingers and placed a hand on his hip with sass.

"You were going to milk it Rachel. Oh hell no girlfriend, come here."

My eyes bulged as he closed the gap between us and began slowly tickling me. It wasn't vicious but playful because he knew about the stitches in my stomach. But I was very ticklish so let out a yelp, I tried to swat his hand away but it was no use because I couldn't stop laughing.

"Chris...I'm sorry...please you..."

"Don't think I'm letting you off that easily missy."

I managed to duck under his arms and made a mad hobble for the bedroom, I was stopped in my tracks by someone knocking on the front door. Chris had to slow down as not to run into me as he left the kitchen, someone kept knocking on the door.

"Chris are you expecting anyone? I'm not."

He shook his head and grabbed my hand, we both walked towards the front door and I opened it. In front of us stood a stunning blonde haired girl with red tips and rich hazel eyes, if I was bi I would do her no questions asked. Was she some fan who had managed to find out where Chris lived? I glanced up at Chris would had gone as pale as a ghost; I looked back at the girl who was smirking.

"Hi, I'm your new neighbour and I wanted to introduce myself."

Relief washed over me; luckily she wasn't a fan because I don't think Chris could have handled that. But why was she smirking at us?

"Welcome to the building I'm Rachel and this is my boyfriend Chris. Sorry I didn't catch your name."

I plastered on a sickly sweet fake smile, there was something off about this girl. She turned her smirk into a smile and reached out her hand, I shook it.

"You can call me Amber bitch, I know who you are and I won't let you take Chris or my boys away from me. Chris loved me once and I can be very persuasive."

I yanked my hand out of hers. She couldn't be the same Amber who broke Chris and Dan. Then again Chris did look like he'd seen a ghost; oh crap this really was the infamous Amber standing on my doorstep saying that she was our new neighbour. I did the first thing that came to my head; I slammed the door in her face and turned to face Chris.

"She can't be here Rachel, not when everything was going good."

I patted him on the shoulder, he looked broken and defeated. I wasn't going to let Amber sink her claws into him and the guys this time. I squeezed his hand and shot him a reassuring smile.

"You've got me Chris, we also have the guys. She's one girl who we won't let beat us. I love you and I will support you no matter what."

"How did I get so lucky with you Rachel?"

It was my time to smirk at his question.

"Because I'm awesome and you're awesome which makes us double awesome and that's well awesome. We'll be together through thick and thin."

Bookshop Encounters (Chris Kendall/Crabstickz) Bk 1: FF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now