Chapter 8

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When the little white specks we humans call snowflakes began to kiss the earth, I could safely say that December has finally arrived. That, of course, also meant that the Christmas holiday was just around the corner.

Within the first week, Professor McGonagall informed the students that they can sign up to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday. Despite Draco offering me to spend Christmas with his family, I signed up without hesitation. I wanted to spend the winter at Hogwarts... not to mention I have a certain mirror that I wanted to find.

Besides... it just didn't seem right to impose on his family for the Christmas holiday.

My first Saturday in December was spent in the Great Hall and watching the teachers decorate. Flitwick noted that I was willing to watch and asked for my input on what color the trimming should be on one of the trees. I decided to surprise him by asking for red then following it with suggesting all of the house colors decorate the tree. I received points for "thoughtfulness for other houses".

Honestly, the point system is... well... pointless, and I still do not understand why students bully others for losing them.

I have to admit that the beauty of being in a wizarding school was the distinct lack of repetitive Christmas music. Ugh... if I had to hear the Dursley's playing Deck the Halls in that slow piano tune I'd bet I would vomit. Specifically on Petunia's tacky silver and gold living room rug with fluffy trimming.

Closing my eyes and resting my head against my fist, listening to things around me; mostly the pleasant sound of pine branches being ruffled by ornaments and tinsel. But then I heard a patterned clicking on the floor and I didn't have to open my eyes to know that it was Hermione running over to me. She always ran like that on a hard floor when not in a rush. Right heel, a brief pause, left heel, rinse and repeat. Considering how often she runs towards me to make sure my homework was up-to-standards, I'm positive I can identify her footsteps anywhere.

"Harry!" Knew it! "Harry, I want to talk to you about something!"


Hermione came to a figurative screeching halt, and I could feel her gaze boring into me. "I haven't even said anything."

"It's about Ron," I hear the click of Hermione's teeth as they snapped together. "You most likely want to have me talk to him so we don't look like we want to commit murder towards each other..." I open an eye to look at her, "Am I wrong?"

"W-well, no. But- I, I mean... come on, Harry. Please?" Hermione hopped on her feet a few times. "Ron and I have been talking and... well, he apologized for what happened on Halloween, and he's been nicer to me." She wilters when I raise my eyebrow. "When... our Slytherin friends are not present."

"Uh-huh..." Pushing myself off the table, I stretched until I felt my spine popped. "Ahhhh... I shouldn't rest like that. Still no, he hates me. I don't see anything about that changing, no matter how much any of us try, he hates me and he hates Slytherins. "

In another world, maybe I would have tried to befriend him. Maybe I wouldn't have shoved him on Halloween. But when I see a nasty glare anytime I'm within five feet of him -which is every Potions class- I don't want to waste the energy.

Giving Hermione a little wave I began to head out to the Slytherin common room.

"What about Draco?"

I froze midstep.

"Remember when the year started? He was completely awful, to everyone, to you even! Yet you dealt with him and now he even tolerates me! Why does he get a free pass but not Ron? What did Draco do differently?"

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