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Poseidon walked into the maternity ward in the Hospital. He knew today was the day. He knew what door she was behind as he waited patiently for his son to be born.

The sea god is one of the good ones. One of the ones who actually loves his children. Though he cares for each being he brings into the world he truly loves his Heros. He knows this one will be hard considering the deal he made with his brothers not to father any more Heros but Sally was too hard to resist. Now he knows he can't see his son without risking his brothers finding out. Just this once he will see the boy and hope he will live a good life. Poseidon will look after him of course but he can only do so much and keep the child hidden from Zeus.

"What are you doing here?" A nurse asked seemingly ready to call security on the large man lurking around one of the most protected areas of the hospital.

"I'm here for Sally Jackson. I'm the father." Poseidon responds.

The nurse's face lights up happy to know the young mother would have help.

"Im so glad you made it. Right this way... Now I know it will be more work than you were anticipating but think of it this way more love and joy too!" This perplexed the sea god.

What is this girl blabbering about? He thought to himself but simply nodded following the woman. She quietly opened the door whispering "knock knock" as to not wake a potentially sleeping newborn.

When he entered the room Poseidon's jaw drops. He was expecting a single cot containing his son not multiple.

"You're here." Sally whispers happily stunned. She did not expect to see her lover again.

"Sally... Sons?" Poseidon asks stunned at the prospect of more than one child. He knew this was not good. Monsters are attracted to demigods. Hiding one child of a powerful god is hard enough but raising multiple together? It would be like offering the Monsters an all you can eat baby buffet.

Sally nods smiling at her boys oblivious to the turmoil dancing in the god's mind.

"Sally..." Poseidon sighs picking up one of the boys. He can't help but pause as he smiles down at the child. So much like him green eyes that only opened for a second to protest the movement of being lifted before being screwed shut again. A small tuft of pitch black har stuck out of the newborn's cap which his father was quick to right insuring the cap stayed in its place to keep the boy warm.

"He is the eldest... looks just like you." Sally smiles seeing the care the large man has for his son. This shakes the sea god from his trance and he sighs again placing the child back in the cot.

"Sally you can't keep them all. It is too dangerous for you and the boys." He tells her as he approaches the bed. She simply hands the man his youngest son.

"This one is the youngest. He's a bit smaller but just as adorable. Just look at his little face." She says running a finger down the child's nose. The boy whines and wiggles a little before sleeping again. This boy's hair takes after his mother more of a brown. The boy seems more delicate but that just makes the sea god hold him a little tighter. Where the eldest was most definitely part god this on seemed nearly human. In fact he doubted if a monster could even smell his parentage. This boy could live a normal life. Speaking of...

"Sally, you can't care for them all. This boy could live a normal life. He may never need to know the life of a hero. I know you fear that for them. You don't want your sons caught up in my family's business. He could be free of that." Sally takes that baby from his arms with tears in her eyes.

"I know." She whispers holding the infant close. "How do we know he will be safe though? That his new family will treat him well."

"Trust me Sally I will find him a good home." Poseidon promises.

"And what of our middle son?" Sally asks and Poseidon lifts his final boy.

"He seems to take after your family... perhaps they will take him?" He thinks out loud.

"James called me yesterday. His son was stillborn... I can't ask him to take on one of mine." She says sad for her brother.

"Perhaps having a baby will help them heal. At least give him the option. He would be better off with his own kind." Sally nods taking her phone to call her twin brother.

"James will take him. He said he will use his son's name to protect our boy. No one will even know who his real parents are." He nods looking at the boy. The baby looks very much like the eldest. Black hair green eyes. Not quite the same shade of green and the boy is a bit smaller but he will grow. From pictures he has seen Poseidon is sure the child could pass as James's son. He takes after Sally in facial structure aside from the green eyes he looks much like Sally's twin brother.

"So what will you name the eldest?" Poseidon asks trying to get her to focus on the child she will raise.

"Perseus." She smiles.

"That was my brother's son." Poseidon says.

"Perhaps it will bring our Percy luck... a happy ending." She says and the God nods.

"Hello, Percy Jackson."

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