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That is the only word to describe this morning's breakfast in Percy's eyes.

"Peter frequently goes on early morning walks." Tony tells the boy while munching on his Captain America Crunch with marshmallows! cereal. "Looks nothing like him." He mumbles as he takes a bite of the poorly shaped breakfast. "Lucky Hulk at ieast has a green fist that looks decent."

Percy ignores his uncle as he looks at his own "Widow-Os" that look like normal cheerios but have black widow on the box.

"He doesn't think I know." The inventor adds searching for any response from the boy. "Always makes some excuse about having been in the bathroom or checking on something in the lab. I don't push him about it. Figure he just needs to get away sometimes. I get it... but don't tell him I know, would ya? I won't force him to talk to me."

Percy nods and Tony sighs.

"So, you want to ask me anything? I mean I'm a stranger to you and you're just sent here to live with me... I'd have questions if I were you."

"I remember you." Percy tells his uncle.

"You do?" Stark responds, shocked. Percy nods.

"You came to visit us... you and mom got in a fight...I didn't realize it was you until I started thinking about it last night. You fought with my mom then disappeared. You said you loved her. That she was the only family you had that you liked. You miss her? You abandoned her!" The boy yells before returning to his room.


Percy had a dream the night before. A memory of his uncle. They were at the beach house when Tony showed up. He smiled at the young Percy throwing him in the air and spinning him around. They had dinner and Percy was sent to bed. Percy loved his uncle and anxiety awaited each of his visits. He was elated to discover Tony would be joining them on their trip.

This excitement caused the boy to fight sleep and go in search of his favorite uncle.

"You can't do this, Sally!" The man whisper-yelled at his little sister. "Think of Percy!"

"I am thinking of Percy." She responds.

"I can't see you like this! Leave him!"

"No, Tony. I love you but, no. I have to stay with him... we're getting married." Sally says.

"He hurts you! And you're going to marry that slime ball!? You're going to let him around your son!?" Tony yells not even whispering any more.

"Mind your own business, brother. I'm doing what's best for my son." Sally responds.

"He doesn't need a father that badly. I can't watch you put yourself in this situation. I can't watch you kill yourself for that man."

"Then don't."

"Sally I..."

"Leave Tony." Sally cuts him off. "You don't have to watch me do anything. Just leave."

"When you come to your senses I'm here for you... remember, I'm just a phone call away."


With a sigh Tony left and Sally's call never came. He moved on with his life. He stayed busy knowing he wouldn't be able to convince his sister and hoping she would be alright. He'd considered calling CPS but he never saw bruises on his nephew only his sister and he knew getting her son taken away from her wouldn't help matters... he never got the chance to reconcile with her.


Tony sat at the table watching the doorway where his nephew left... "Well I wanted him to remember me." Is all he can think. With a deep sigh the man raises himself from his seat rubbing his temples.

"First full day as his guardian and he's already mad at me." He grumbles as he makes his way to the boy's room.

"Percy." Tony calls with a light knock on the door. "I'd like to talk about this." With no response he enters the room.

Percy is lounging on his bed twirling a pen between his fingers as his uncle comes in. He ignores the man, a part of him wishing riptide could affect mortals. Not kill him but maybe hurt him a bit? He'd forgotten about Tony until his dream but now remembered all the fun they had and then the months asking about his uncle before smelly Gabe finally banned him from mentioning the man. It hurt remembering how his only family member abandoned him. The fact that he just lost his mother a couple weeks ago made this revelation even worse.

"I didn't plan on leaving you guys forever." His uncle tells him but Percy continues ignoring him. "I was upset that she was with Gabe. I never liked that guy. I told her to leave him but she refused. I... I couldn't stand to see her getting hurt when she refused to leave him. It was selfish and I regret it... I won't leave again, Percy. I promise."

With that Tony leaves the room.

Percy has been avoiding the pain of his mother's death. Ignoring it. Focusing on training then his newest quest. Sitting alone with his uncle, having the dream, talking about his mom... well...

Even Heros cry


"Mr. Stark, you're up early!" Peter says as he enters the penthouse with Hary at his side.

"Yeah, been a rough morning. How ya doin' Pete?" Tony asks sipping at a drink that the boys frown at seeing the amber liquid obviously isn't soda pop.

"Mr. Stark." Peter says cautiously. "Are you okay?" He nods to the glass a d the man sighs before dumping the glass down the sink.

"Sorry boys... I'll do better... your brother and I had some words... he's upset with me and I don't blame him." Tony grabe a water glass and fills it before taking a drink. "I'm screwing this all up aren't I?"

Peter is stunned. He's never seen his mentor look so broken. So unsure. Tony has always been so confident.

"N...no... Mr. Stark... honestly this is a dream come true for me... I'm sure what ever happened with Percy will be okay." Peter responds unsure how to help the man.

"He'll be okay." Harry says a few minutes later as he comes out of the hallway that leads to the bedrooms. "He's just upset about his mother. He'll come around."

With a nod they all make their way to the living area. An hour or so later Percy made his way into the room. No one mentioned anything as the boys watched a movie in a comfortable silence.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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